Officers of the Ealdormere College of Heralds
Trillium Herald – Herr Matthäus Lindenhayn von Schaffhausen (H) ( | Trillium Principal Herald supervises deputies and territorial heralds to ensure the smooth functioning of heraldry in Ealdormere. Responsibilities and restrictions are governed by kingdom law and custom. This includes the responsibility for the warranting and training of appropriate heraldic officers for all necessary positions and sufficient to ensure that the customary range of heraldic services is easily available in all parts of the kingdom. |
Inland Seas Herald – Duchess Rylyn Buchanan (HE) | The Inland Seas Herald is the drop-dead herald supporting Trillium Herald. This role may also act as the successor to the Trillium Herald. |
Silverwolf Herald – Magistra Nika Dmitrieva doch’Zvezdina (HE). | Silverwolf Herald is the title given to the last person who was Trillium Herald, and also becomes Trillium Emeritus for having held the office in the past. |
Special Projects Deputy – Master Brand Thorwaldsen (HE) ( | The deputy herald tasked with special projects of the College. |
Green Mantle Herald – Baron Jorgen (H) ( | The Green Mantle Herald is responsible for the Submissions Team, and maintains a repository of submission forms and supporting documentation necessary for the maintenance of the submissions process in their kingdom. |
Seeblatt Pursuivant – Lord Jótun-Bjǫrn (P) ( | The Pursuivant responsible for communication with members regarding their heraldic submissions. |
Caleygreyhound Herald – Master Brand Thorwaldsen (HE) ( | The Herald responsible for the maintenance of the Ealdormere Order of Precedence. |
Pentland Herald – Ascelyn of Ben Dunfirth ( | The Herald responsible for field and tournament heraldry, including Crown Tourney. |
Bucina Herald – Duchess Rylyn Buchanan (HE) ( | The Herald responsible for developing and fostering heraldic education. |
Roaring Pursuivant – Lady Isabella von Sachsen | The Pursuivant in charge of assisting with and fostering education in Court and protocol. |
Afon Fawr Pursuivant – Nika Dmitrieva doch’Zvezdina (HE) ( | The Herald responsible for assisting with and fostering education in name research. |
Red Escutcheon Pursuivant – Meister Lord Dietrich von Sachsen (HE) ( | The Pursuivant in charge of assisting with and fostering education in armoury. |
Stave Pursuivant – Master Percival de la Rocque (HE) ( | The Pursuivant responsible for fostering and responding to questions/inquiries regarding heraldic display. |
Bee Herald – Baroness Sciath ingen Chaennaig (H) ( | The Pursuivant responsible for developing and maintaining content on this website. Bee often works with the Lord Clerk-Registrar (Kingdom web administrator) and Calygreyhound (see above)to coordinate information and continuity between websites. |
Plein Chemin Pursuivant – open, seeking commentary on redefinition ( | The Pursuivant responsible for developing and supporting disabled heralds in Ealdormere. |
Bonne Signe Herald – open, seeking commentary on redefinition ( | The Pursuivant responsible for developing and supporting silent heraldry for Ealdormerean courts. |
Trillium Signet – Dame Asa Gormsdottir ( | While not a titled Herald or Pursuivant, the Trillium Signet, as the head of the Ealdormere Scribal College, is a senior member of Trillium staff. Trillium Signet serves as the Head of the Ealdormere Scribal College. |
Privy Seal – Baroness Christiana MacNamara ( | While not a titled Herald or Pursuivant, the Privy Seal is responsible for maintenance of the Scroll of Honour and the Boke of Reigns. |
Land-Based Heralds in the Kingdom of Ealdormere
All Baronial pursuivants must report to the Trillium Herald on or before January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15. Reports are submitted via an online report.
Barony of Septentrian Pursuivant – Al-Sharifa Zahra bint al-Nahr al-Ishbiiliya al-Naariya(
Barony of Rising Waters Pursuivant – Noble Ren Pîsim (
Barony of Ben Dunfirth Pursuivant – Lady Juliana Scrivener (
Barony of Ramshaven Pursuivant – Dame Genevieve la Flechiere (HE) (
Barony of Skraeling Pursuivant – Master Colyne Stewart, OP (
All Canton pursuivants must report to Their Baronial pursuivant on or before January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1.
Canton of Ardchreag Pursuivant – Lady Ellaire de Troyes (
Canton of Beremere Pursuivant – ask us about this role!
Canton of Eoforwic Pursuivant – ask us about this role!
Canton of Monadh Pursuivant – Master Martin Bildner (
Canton of Petrea Thule Pursuivant – ask us about this role!
Canton of Skeldergate Pursuivant – Baroness Liadin Chu (HE) (
Canton of Vest Yorvik Pursuivant – branch is currently dormant Canton of Bryniau Tywynogg Pursuivant – vacant – Want to be a Herald in Bryniau Tywynnog?
Canton of der Welfengau Pursuivant – Meister Albrecht Stampfer (P) (
Canton of Northgeatham Pursuivant – vacant – Want to be a Herald in Northgeatham?
Canton of Caldrithig Pursuivant – vacant (
Stronghold of Greyfells Pursuivant – vacant – Interested in heralding in Greyfells?
Canton of Harrowgate Heath Pursuivant – vacant – Interested in heralding in Harrowgate Heath? Stronghold of Tor Brant Pursuivant – vacant – Interested in heralding in Tor Brant?
Shire Pursuivants must report to the Trillium Herald on or before January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. Reports are submitted via an online report.
Shire of Bastille du Lac Pursuivant – Lord Godefroi d’Orleans (
Shire of Ulfheim Pursuivant – Lady Fáelán Ruadh ua Aodha (
Shire of Storafjoror Pursuivant – Lady Phillida Parker (
Shire of St. Martin Pursuivant – vacant – Interested in heralding in St. Martin?
Shire of Trinovantia Nova Pursuivant – Noble Nicola Canis ( Shire of Champcorbeau – Lord Séamus Gunne of Ealdormere (
The Herald-At-Large serve as heralds, but not in an official capacity. These heralds contribute substantially to the smooth function of events, both in terms of labour and flavour. Heralds-At-Large report directly to Trillium Principal Herald. Heralds-at-Large may focus on one or more aspects of heraldry, including: Book Heraldry/Submissions, Court Heraldry, Field/Tournament Heraldry, Courtesy & Precedence, Training and Education, Heraldry Research, and Ceremony.
All Heralds & Pursuivants-At-Large must report to the Trillium Herald on or before January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. Reports are submitted via an online report.
The Heralds-at-Large of Ealdormere include:
Duke Baldric Leeman of Newcastle Emlyn Viscountess Caoilfhionn nic dairmada (H)
Lady Constance the Curious
Lord Daniele da Padola
The Honourable Lady Diedre Lillith Nasrin
Baron Dmitri Kievskoi
Ollamh Emer uí Áedán
Lady Evelyn ate Hoyle (H)
Duke Finvarr de Taahe
Lord Fulk Beauxarmes de Moron
The Honourable Lord fra. Guillaume di San Marino
Master Hector of the Black Height
Baron Justinian Clarus
Mistress Lucia de Moranza (H)
Mistress Marian of Heatherdale (H)
Mistress Marion Fitzwilliam
Mistress Moria the Black
Lord Nathaniel Jonessonne Noble Nicola Canis (P)
Lady Petronill of Seashire
Lord Thorolfr inn Smithr
The Honourable Lord Thorsteinn Bjarnylyr Sveinnson
Lady Þyri the Spinner
The Honourable Lord Volodymyr Blahuciak Lady Brenna of Ivy Chapel
Lord Watt Skarsgard
Mistress Wencenedl of Rokesburg (H)
The Honourable Lady Yvette de Sancler
Noble Rhys of Anglesey (P)
Heralds Extraordinary
The Heralds Extraordinary of the Kingdom of Ealdormere include:
HE Title | Name | Date of Advancement |
White Mantle Herald | Mistress Fiona Averylle O’Connor | between 1990-1993 |
Black Mantle Herald | Master Erick of Longacres | 2006/04/24 |
Beornweald Herald | Master Brand Thorwaldsen | 2010/04/24 |
Rouge Maunche Herald | Dame Genevieve la flechiere de Duram | 2011/05/01 |
Purple Mantle Herald | Master Percival de la Rocque | 2012/07/01 |
Rouge Estoile Herald | Magistra Nika Dmitrieva doch’Zvezdina | 2013/03/23 |
Castor Herald | Baroness Liadin Chu | 2015/03/07 |
Chat Noir Herlad | Duchess Rylyn Buchanan | 2023/07/01 |
Edelherz Herold | Meister Dietrich von Sachson | 2023/08/09 |
Red Elephant Herald | Mistress Arwyn of Leicester | 2023/12/02 |