Training and Education Resources
This month, we’ll be starting a review of SENA (our rules for submitting names and devices) to help demystify it for all heralds.
But I’m looking for more input! We spent some time last month generating ideas for classes, both informal and more formal. Duchess Rylyn is looking to put together some “training packs” that will allow us to have all the materials ready to deliver key classes whenever they are needed. I am looking to send out a survey to prioritize topics for both the informal classes and these more formal ones. But I want to make sure I cover off a wide variety of topics.
So, discussion time: What classes would you like to see? We have the following suggestions so far:
- Devices 101: “So…you want a device?”
- Shouty heralds for dummies
- “Why should I care? Use of heraldry for non-heralds”
- Names 101: “So…you need a name?” Including intro to name research and documentation
- How to create heraldic art
- Heraldic jobs you might enjoy
- Court heraldry: How to use the Book of the Court
- Advanced tourney heraldry
- How to be a town crier/event herald
- Inclusive heraldry (including gender neutral names and titles, pronouns, considerations for those with disabilities, etc.)
Feel free to share your ideas in our FB discussion group! Or, find us on Discord!
The next step will be a survey to understand which ideas we want to tackle first in our monthly sessions, and which we might want to develop into formal course curricula. The Herald’s Meeting is held on a recurring schedule every third Monday of the month, at 7:30pm. Look to our Kingdom Calendar for the link to join us.
And, a reminder: Please come out to the commentary meetings, even if you aren’t a book herald, and plan to stay for the classes/discussions.