Eoforwic is the Toronto branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, an international organization dedicated to researching, re-creating and enjoying the arts and skills of the middle ages.
SCA members hold tournaments, royal courts and feasts, music and dance events, classes and workshops in pretty much any subject even remotely medieval, and more. We fight in shining armour, make lace and embroider stunning tapestries, shoot longbows, horse bows and crossbows, recreate elaborate medieval garb, throw miscellaneous medieval projectiles, brew mead, turn wood, forge iron – and generally have a rousing good time.
We’re a world-wide community that includes twenty kingdoms, with over 30,000 members in countries around the world.
Eoforwic meets in downtown Toronto, with occasional excursions to local museums, pubs and other cultural institutions.
We meet on Tuesdays, at 6:30pm, and our meeting location is St. Andrew’s United Church, 117 Bloor Street East, Toronto.
Upcoming Hybrid Meetings: (a link to the zoom meeting will be posted closer to the dates on the Facebook group, or can be found on the Ealdormere calendar)
February 11: Court of Love
February 18: Eoforwic 50th Anniversary event planning
Directions: From the Bloor-Yonge Subway station go east along the south side of Bloor Street. St. Andrew’s United is set back from the street. You will need to buzz in. Mention SCA and security will let you in. The bell’s to the left of the main entrance, near the door that enters to the lower part of the church.
Here’s a Google Maps link to the site: St. Andrew’s United Church
We will be doing hybrid in person/on line meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month so that members who are not able to attend physically can still join us.
Most months, that’s the last Tuesday, but not always, so check your calendar. We’re meeting at 6:30pm Eastern Standard Time (that’s a consideration – we have members who live as far away as Tasmania!). The link will be published on the day of the meeting on The Royal City of Eoforwic page and on the Ealdormere.ca calendar. Please join us when you can!
Our officers
Check us out on Facebook!
Note: to see the Eoforwic Facebook page, you need to be a member. If you’d like to join us, please answer the questions when you ask – it makes the process faster!
To find out more about the SCA and the many ways to have fun with us click on the Newcomer’s Portal below and enjoy!