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Class Descriptions

Please see our ConPlanner event to register for classes

An Examination of Romani in Art

Baroness Pesha of Little Egypt

We will be examining representations of Romani in art both within SCA period and a bit beyond. We will look at and discuss how they are portrayed (good vs. evil), clothing choices, how to incorporate this into the SCA, and how to spot a Romani in art. NOTE: There will be uses of the slur term for these people in the titles of some pieces of art. The instructor will only use the term Rom/Romani when referring to these people within the class.
Youth are welcome

Bardic Circle – songs, stories, and more!

Naomi the Bard

Welcome all, ye bards and lovers of music, poetry, storytelling, and other performing arts! Come and sing, recite, and share your tales! Or, simply come join in and listen as those around you regale us with their offerings. This workshop/offering will be led by Naomi the Bard, and a short list of songs will be printed and provided/shared. People are encouraged to bring songs, stories, jokes, and any other performance art pieces to share with the group (please aim to keep any performance under 7 minutes).
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance

Teacher requests a scent-free environment

A small donation to cover printing costs is appreciated but not required

Basics of Mead Brewing

Noble Estienne de Nantes

I will cover sources, basic equipment, techniques, and ingredients, including for small spaces such as apartments. I will describe variants such as mead with fruit (melomel) and/or spices (metheglin).
Adults only, please

Blacksmith / Metalsmith Roundtable

Valdr Járnsmiðmeistari Valdr

I’ve been really happy over the years to see blacksmithing and other metalsmithing really take off in our Kingdom. Yet I’ve also realized that we don’t really gather together to talk shop. So I’m calling out to all the metal smiths out there – be you blacksmith, bladesmith, tinker or jeweler- whatever you do, if it involves metal shaping in anyway, come out to the roundtable and let’s talk and share what we do, what we hope for in the future, any questions or problems we may have. We have a diverse and thriving metal community in our Kingdom. Let’s come together and get to know each other.
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance

Brando di Cales

Master James Blackcloak

Brando di Cales is an Italian dance from Cesare Negri’s 1602 manuscript, Le Gratie d’Amore. It’s a fun dance for three couples with many parts. All steps will be taught, and all skill levels are welcome.

Youth are welcome

Choral Jam Session

Magistra Marie l’Englois

Like to sing? Curious about pre-17thC choral music? Give it a try! I’ll bring the music, you bring your voice, we’ll skip the theory and just start singing. Perfectionism not required. You’ll be surprised how quickly it all comes together.
Geared to adults, music loving youth are welcome with parental supervision
Class Fee: $2-5 donation for handouts appreciated but not required

Deconstructing and Reconstructing a Bollocks/Kidney Purse

Sir Tiberius of Warwickshire

Open to all levels of skill.  The focus of the class will be understanding the different parts and components of the purses and the common construction methods.
This class will NOT involve the actual making of a purse, lecture only.
Adults only, please
Class limit: 5

Designing and Painting a Floorcloth

Katrina Prebensdottir Katrina Prebensdottir

Floorcloths, while not period, can give the illusion of tiled or mosaic floors, enhancing your pavilion or presence. The class will go over design considerations and tips and tricks to painting your own floorcloth. The content of the class can also be applied to painting banners or wall hangings.
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance

Discord Boot Camp: Tips and Tricks for Getting the Most Out of Discord

Lydia of Tyldenne

An overview of Caldrithig’s new Discord server, for anyone who would like to dip their toes into a Facebook alternative but aren’t ready to dive into the deep end of the pool. Bring your lunch, and while we eat together, we’ll review setting up your account, navigating the site and finding the conversations that are of interest to you, managing notifications and alerts, and answering your questions.
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance

Enameling (glass on metal)

Magister Galea

Come learn and do enameling. We’ll talk about the science and history of this technique, and then everyone will get to make a piece for themselves.
BONUS: anyone who brings an etched piece from Blue Dragon can learn champlevee enameling onto their piece!
12+ for safety reasons.
Class Limit: 6
$5, but no-one will be turned away.

English Country Dance

Lady Cecilia the Sinister

You’ve danced Rufty Tufty and Sellengers Round (or maybe you haven’t), come and learn more fun English Country dances. Class geared towards intermediate level but all steps will be taught and all levels are welcome.
All ages welcome

Fabric for Dummies – fabric structure and cutting tips for non-sewers

La Magnifica Laura Battista

It’s floppy and flexible, how do I make it do what I want?! This class is a basic introduction to dealing with fabric, directed to those with little or no experience in sewing. We will discuss different fibres, fabric structure, and how those things affect the behaviour of the medium, as well as cutting and patterning tips for the best use of drape and grain. (Yes, it has grain!)
Youth are welcome
Fabric samples will include wool, class will be warned.
Class Limit: 10

Feasting Fabulously

Mistress Cristabell Wensleydale

Learn how to make the most of your experience attending a feast. Some SCA basics about what to pack, and what to expect plus some historical table manners that can help you feel ready to dine with royalty.
Some food will be provided for you to practice with: store bought, vegetarian and full of gluten.

Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance
Food allergens will be present. Probably nuts, gluten, and dairy.
Class Limit: 10 participants, additional auditors also welcome.
Class Fee: $5

From Stars to Manuscripts: A Glimpse into Medieval Astronomy

Lady Amalthea the Little Goat of Skyridge

Join this Little Goat for a conversation exploring the wonders of medieval astronomy, including historical context, key influences, and a closer look at illuminated manuscripts. Medieval astronomy blends science, philosophy, religion, and art. This exploration is inspired by Our Excellencies’ call to ‘bring Them the stars’ and the etymology of my own SCA name.
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance
Teacher requires a scent free space please.

Ghosts in Medieval Europe


How to Assemble an Arrow for SCA Archery

Baron Duncan MacLeod

What to buy and how to assemble Arrows for SCA Target Archery
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance
Class Limit: 6

How to design and make an award scroll

Baroness Eleanor of Bonwicke

We will discuss inspiration and starting points for designing an original award scroll, as well as useful tips to overcome common errors and difficulties.
Youth are welcome

Intro to Spoon Carving

THL Iohn Spooner

Learn the basics of spoon carving and knife safety
We will be using very sharp tools but youth are welcome.
Class limit: 6, no onlookers please for safety reasons

Introduction to Glass Etching

Dame Sciath ingen Chaennaig

Participants will learn about glass treatments from the Medieval period, and experiment with chemical glass etching. Patterns/designs will be available, and participants can bring their own images (heraldry highly recommended). If possible, participants should bring their own safety glasses, as instructor has limited number of safety glasses available. For information, participants may be using hexaflorosilicic acid and/or flouride-based etching cream.
Adults and teens can attend this class
Class Limit: 7
Class Fee: $5 for materials

Kitchen Knife Sharpening

John Moran

Class on sharpening Knives for kitchen use. Covering the use of Oil, Wet, and Diamond stone. The use of a Strop to get the perfect edge. One hour of theory and one hour of Practical. If time allows a quick mention on how to sharpen Scissors. Practical will be sharpening the cantons collection of Kitchen knives.
Youth are welcome
Class Limit: 12

Knitted Garters with Late Period Motifs

THL Amelye Merriman

Learn to pattern and knit garters incorporating late period motifs. We will focus on patterning and discussion, so intermediate knitting skill is recommended.

I will have resources for patterning, but suggest people bring fingering or lace weight yarn in high contrast colours and fine needles if you would like to begin knitting.
Adults only, please
Class Limit: 8

Mad Hatter’s work shop

Mistresses Cristabell and Emelote

Do you wonder what to wear on your head? Come and find the perfect headgear for your persona. You can try on examples, peruse resources and connect with other hat enthusiasts.
This is a drop in session not a lecture.
Feel free to bring your own wonderful hat creations to show off too.
All are welcome

Making anachronistic rapier leather Sheaths

John Moran

Demo on making Period looking sheaths for SCA rapier combat using modern hardware store supplies and a bit of leather. Students will need to have have basic leather working skills, punching holes and using a needle. Also a quick look at making late period frog style sword hanger as nothing says fencer then a rapier hanging from your hip.
Youth are welcome

Medieval Werewolf in Myth and Folklore


On the practical application of can openers: An introduction to Harnessfechten

Master Giovanni di Enzinas

As we watch the evolution of armour progress we see how it gets better and better at protecting those who are able to afford it. Prior to the widespread adoption of the gun, how exactly should you deal with a well trained combatant who is fairly swordproof?

This class will discuss some of the strategies and techniques for armoured combat in western Europe. This class will also give an introduction to the new SCA Harnessfechten Combat Experiment.
Youth are welcome with Parental attendance

Overview of various garb styles

Lady Constance of Caldrithig

A class for folks trying to settle on a style for their garb. This class will cover the popular time/places and touch on other cultures and times. It will provide a high level overview of the types of clothes possible in SCA period. The plan is to also have gold key present for a bit of show and try
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance

Painted Canvas for Events

John Moran

Demo on how the Decorative Painted Canvas were made for Paardenbloem Festival. A brief History of wet cloth and painted walls decoration in period. Open discussion about ways to add ambience to events and a teachers rant on the need for a focus shift towards experience and immersion at events for the future of the SCA in a more competitive nerd market.
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance

Peer spotting- a fun newcomers guide to identifying badges, symbols and regalia

Dame Eleanor Cadfan

A beginners guide to identifying Kingdom and Society symbols and regalia. We will cover basic event and court etiquette, forms of address and discuss SCA terms. If time allows, there will be a Q&A on any topic of interest to newcomers.
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance

Persona Play: The Next Step in Persona Development

Dame Sciath ingen Chaennaig

Whether you are new to persona development, or more experienced and ready to ‘be in persona,’ this class has something for everyone. We’ll start with a refresher on persona development, a Q&A roundtable discussion, and dive into a holiday-themed game where participants can work on interacting with others in persona. There will be prizes!
Adults and teens are welcome
Class Limit: 10

Romani: An Introduction to Playing the Persona

Baroness Pesha of Little Egypt

Want a *Romani* persona, but don’t know how/where to start? Learn about the *Rom*, their history, common pitfalls, and the fun of this fascinating persona. We will be covering their history, migration routes, clothing, and how to portray this persona within the SCA. Note: There will be references of the slur term for these people in the titles of some pieces of art and book titles. The instructor will only use the term Rom/Romani when referring to these people within the class.
Youth are welcome

So you want to cook a more period feast

Aibhilin kennari Fra Skye

Talk about how to move you feast from sort of medieval to something more period
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance

Songs We Sing in the SCA

Baron Duncan MacLeod

An opportunity to learn Ealdormere’s songs, and hear stories about Ealdormere’s history.
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance

Spinning Flax making linen string

Aibhilin kennari fra Skye

We will talk about flax and some history. Then we will spin some. Please bring either a drop spindle or spinning wheel. A small bowl for water.
Children who are interested are welcome. But need to already know how to spin.
Class limit: 5
Class Fee: About $10.00 for the flax. Might be less

The Old Measures: English Court Processionals from the late Middle Ages

Sadb ingen Uí Fhaoladh

Learn the sequence of eight dances from revels at the Inns of Court, 1570-1675. The simple steps are suitable for beginners, while more experienced dancers can enjoy adding flourishes to elevate these stately dances.
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance

Tips and tricks for using gesso in raised leaf illumination

Baroness Eleanor of Bonwicke

Learn how to use historically adjacent gesso to raise leafing for illuminations. You will not make your own, it will be provided. A small class fee ($3) is requested for supplies.
If the youth are coordinated enough to scrape with an exacto knife, they can attend.
Class Limit: 10
Class Fee: $3

Tudor Knits – Overview and Discussion

Eluned verch Angor, OL

Overview and discussion of Tudor knitting looking at extant examples, materials, techniques and resources.
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance
Attendees are asked to be as scent free as possible (no perfume/body sprays).
Class Limit: 10 handouts – electronic versions available, auditors welcome
Class Fee: $2 / free for link to electronic handout

Workshop on Workshops

Baron Joffr Rodson / Duchess Rylyn Buchanan

Ever wish that you could try something different with the classes you teach, but don’t know what to do? Baron Joffr and Duchess Rylyn join forces to help you move forward. This is an interactive workshop where students will work with one another and leave the class with a lesson plan for their next workshop they will run. Students are expected to participate in discussions and help one another during the class.

This class has two parts:
Part 1 (2 hours) – How to Teach Grown-ups (a primer on adult education theory)
Part 2 (2 hours) – Let’s play with Workshops (putting theory into practice)

All students are welcome in part 1. Students wishing to participate in Part 2 must have first participated in Part 1 at some point.

Adults only, please
Class Limit: 10

York Cycle play rehearsal

Lady May of ye Wolde

A Chance for members of the Honourable Company of Creatively Anachronistic Players to read through and rehearse their assigned mystery plays for the York 2025 event hosted by York University (ON): Herod and the Magi/The Offering of the Magi and the Second Trial before Pilate. Spectators are welcome to drop in, whether that’s to observe the process, or to help out by reading a role for an actor unable to attend.
Youth and children are welcome with Parental attendance