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Officer Position Open – Exchequer

Hello my fellow Septentrians!!

The Barony is in need of a new Exchequer!

The primary requirements of the position are:

  • candidates need to be members in good standing
  • have reached the age of majority -18 in Ontario
  • receive the Kingdom Newsletter
  • hold no other office
  • not be a landed Baron or Baroness or sitting Royalty
  • must not live at the same address as any other signatory on the accounts being managed.

The full rules and requirements to hold office can be found in the Exchequer’s Handbook, Chapter 1 (

Applications may be sent to the Baronial Seneschal –, and to Their Excellencies Septentria at – and are to be received by September 13, 2024.

It is strongly recommended that candidates read the above noted SCA Exchequer’s handbook. Any questions regarding the position may be addressed either to the Kingdom Exchequer, or to the Septentrian Seneschal.

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