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Sept 1, 2024 Camp Blackwood

Our official meeting/gathering was held Sunday, September 1, 2024, where we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at Weirmier Lake. We filled our time with archery and thrown weapons for a welcome change. It was so good to catch up with Ann, Freya, Raynor and their two kids as we haven’t seen them in a while. Evelyn, Dyson, and James Wulfricson really enjoyed the archery range and were very good at hitting the targets. Freya and Raynor enjoyed throwing axes and Raynor also played at the archery range. Penda, our archery marshal, was busy at the archery range inspecting the bows and arrows with his assistant, Wulfric. Penda and Wulfric taught our three Northgeatham children how to shoot. The kids also loved drawing up the targets for the shoot. Penda and Wulfric also spent quite a bit of time throwing axes and knives. Wulfwynne Blackwood took some time away from her enchanting book and threw some axes. Sibylla (that’s me) also enjoyed archery and thrown weapons as well as finishing up some tablet weaving to put together another medieval style bag which was also completed during the meeting. Sibylla also cut bullrushes to continue with some rushlight experiments.

Next gathering will be the Scrumpy run!! Join us Sunday, September 15 beginning at 11:00 am until we are done. We will run out with our pails and fill them with wild apples and then return to the Great Hall to get some lunch. We will then start processing and pressing the apples to make apple cider.

If there is anyone who wishes to join us, please do and let us know that you are planning to attend. The more the merrier! We promise to share once the cider is properly fermented and bottled 😉



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