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We are the Kingdom of Ealdormere, a Kingdom of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), a Middle Ages historical recreation group! We hold all kinds of tournaments, feasts, dances classes and more!

  • Combat of the Thirty Photo by Mikus of the Hael
Are you new to the SCA in Ontario? We have a page for newcomers here ( and we have someone to help you find the information you need — our newcomer welcome person is Blair and he can be found at or on Discord*

*This channel does not represent an official communication channel. Moderators of this list are not considered warranted officers, and there are no reporting relationships. This list is not regulated by the SCA, Inc.) 
Photo by Baron Alexander
Alais in the snow Photo by Marguerite Gingraix

Welcome to the website for the Kingdom of Ealdormere, the sixteenth Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).The Kingdom of Ealdormere claims almost all of the Province of Ontario.

The SCA was founded as an organization that researches and celebrates what was best about the Middle Ages; we welcome people from all over the world to come and participate in activities that emphasize honour, pageantry and chivalry, without the bleak bits like plague and famine.

Participants of the SCA are from all walks of life and share a common interest in learning pre-1600 crafts, practicing fully armoured martial arts, fencing, archery or any other aspect of life in the Middle Ages. 

playing cards with King Sigfreid I

Ealdormere Event Calendar

Need help using the calendar? Click here! Having trouble viewing the calendar on your iPhone? Click here instead!