Sunday March 23, 2025 proved to be a productive gathering. While Alex sewed down the seams on her new linen tunic, she chimed in with great ideas to put into action for Barons Brouhaha presents “Loki’s Gr8 Escape!” Wulfwynne Blackwood and James had helium hands to scope out kids gifts and other necessary items to make the weekend special. Penda said never mind with paper, I’ll just do it all up on the computer as we speak so it made planning move along quickly. Sibylla, that’s me, sewed yet another wool bag while chiming in ideas, making promises to do up the FB page which is
There are prizes and everything this year!! Super excited for the event. We celebrated with homemade carrot cake, thanks so much Wulfwynne Blackwood , mead and hypocrass.