Baron’s Brouhaha is a laid-back camping event by tradition. It is a time to socialize, gather in a Great Hall setting, share stories, craft ideas, and anything else that you wish to bring to the table.
Where: 973 Concession Rd 8, Tiverton ON N0G 2T0
When: June 13, 2024 3pm to June 15, 4pm
Event Steward: Lord Wulfric of the Blackwood
Reservation Steward: Baroness Sibylla of Glyndmere
weekend $20 member/$30 non-member
single day $10 member/$20 non-member
16 & under free
- Camp setup from 3pm onward.
- At dusk there will be a robust campfire and a bardic circle.
- Social in the Great Hall
- Coffee and tea will be available in the Great Hall.
- Find the Loki begins at 10am get your Loki passport at Trolls. Entries must be in before Feast.
- 10am Weed Walk followed by a seed/plant exchange.
- Rapier combat starts at 11. This will consist of pickups and a bearpit tourney.
- Armored combat starts at 12:30. This will consist of pickups and a bearpit tourney.
- Thrown Weapons will be held throughout the day.
- Get your Loki Tickets in.
- Court depending on Royalty availablity (typically at 4).
- Potluck feast in the great hall after court. Guests are asked to take all their food/dishes back home with them after the feast. Providing an ingredient list with your dish is suggested.
- Following feast there will be a Brewers roundtable.
- At dusk Penda will host a fire starting demo with flint and steel. Participation by others is welcome.
- The evening will close with a campfire and bardic circle hosted by Baroness Sibylla.
- Coffee and tea will be available in the Great Hall.
- 10 am Penda will start up the forge and invite folks to join-in and make something. This year we will be using an outdoor forge!
- Thrown weapons will be open depending on marshal availability.
- Enjoy the day, head back home later in the afternoon.
Events & Workshops
Friday and Saturday Night: Bardic Circles
There will be held at the campfire (or in the Great Hall) at dusk. Some guidelines:
- Stories should be kept to 5 minutes or less. if you have a longer story please split it into smaller parts.
- If you wish to sing ‘solo’ please state that before you begin.
Saturday 10am: Weed Walk
For those of you who wish to join the Royal Horticultural and Herbalism Guild of Ealdormere for a Walk, we will gather in the Great Hall at 10. We will walk the gardens as well as the front pathways to see what is blooming. We may gather the wildflowers we find and anything we would like to taste. There will be some black tea on hand that we can mix in with the leaves and flowers gathered for those of you who feel experimental. By the way, the garlic scapes are plentiful should you wish to help yourself. If there are plants in abundance that you would like to take home (mint, lemon mint, wildflowers such as violets) we will grab a shovel and get you some plants. So please, join in with sharing knowledge, plants, seeds, and future plans of gardens, as well as sampling homemade shortbread and other tasty treats. If you have something you wish to share, please do. Looking forward to all who are interested. If you are not a member (yet) please come along for the tour and enjoy the hospitality. -Sibylla
Saturday 10am: Hunt for Loki
It is suspected that on Friday 13th Loki will escape his cave strive to work his mischef on the land! Scattered throughout the property he will leave Talismans to mark his presence. Your goal is to find all of his markings and cancel them out with our own stamps of power. Participants will we be given a property map and are quested to find the talismans and stamp their cards as they find each one (stamps are located at the talisman). There are 13 markings to find! If you find all thirteen you get two entries into the contest. If you find only 8 to 12 you get one entry. Tickets will be placed into a jar and randomly drawn at feast for prize.
Adult Prizes: Viking box (by Wulfric), Wool Bag (by Sibylla), Seax Knife (by Penda)
All children who enter will get a prize.
Saturday after Feast: Brewing Round Table
Bring something you brewed and share your experience doing so. Everyone is welcome to sample whether you brewed something or not.
Sunday 10am: Blacksmithing with Penda
Come and enjoy some time on the forge with Penda. This ‘workshop/class’ is open to anyone who is interested in blacksmithing. Often folks will work on a fire poker or hook which utilizes many blacksmithing techniques. We usually start at 10, with 2 to 3 people working at the same time. Please register with Penda at to make sure you get some time on the forge. If there is something in particular you would make, please let me know.– Penda
Site Information

- The event will be hosted around the Great Hall (the Barn). There is water and electricity available.
- There is lots of room for tent/trailer camping on site.
- Limited sleeping/cot space is possible in the Great Hall. Keep in mind there won’t be any privacy there and it will be quite noisy at night. You will also have to pack-up your cot during the daytime to make more space available in the great hall. Please contact Sibylla about cot space.
- A centrally located firepit is available for cooking.
- We suggest leaving your dogs at home. If you really, really want to bring your pet, please contact Sibylla to confirm it is ok to do so. Dogs must be on a leash at all times, you must clean up after your pet and it must be friendly with humans and other dogs. If there are unfriendly pet issues you will be asked to leave site.