Attending: Wulfric, Wulfwynne, James, Alex, Penda, Tamara, Aslief
- Q3 Financial report completed, signed and sent to Baronial Exchequer
- Vote to donate $500 to the Barony of Ramshaven. All were in favor.
- Folks finished their wooden buckets.
- Wulfwynne taught wire ring making
- Other project ideas: candles, drinking vessels, dye day, straw weaving, torque making, sachet making,
- Solstice Feast will start at 1 Dec 2023
- Suggestion to send personal invites for Yule on December 23 using Facebook. Sibylla agreed to handle this.
- 30 is probably the max
- Secret Santa gift exchange
- Ideals of future meeting A&S
- Wheat Weaving
- Drinking Vessels
- Leather Masks (Jan 7th)