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March 2, 2025 Meeting

We enjoyed a gathering with tea and chocolate at Glyndmere’s Gatehouse on March 2. We chatted about the things we have been up to, the weather, and upcoming events. While we worked on projects Penda and Wulfric took care of some paperwork (yearend Exchequer report submitted), Alex sewed the neckline of her undertunic, Wulfwynne did some handsewing on one of Wulfric’s new tunics, Penda sewed up some leather pouches, and Sibylla (that’s me) sewed a new hem on Penda’s undertunic. The discussions really took off when we got to discuss Baron’s Brouhaha number eight. Amazing brainstorming transpired to the point of absolute confidence for the upcoming event scheduled for Friday, June 13 (yep, that’s correct) until Sunday, June 15, 2025. The kids, James, Aeris, and Delphine, had fun too, although not much interest was shared in the chats although, James did get excited about some of the ideas shared for Baron’s Brouhaha.

Our next gathering will be Sunday, March 16, 2025. We will be further discussing our elated plans for Baron’s Brouhaha and put some of the ideas shared into action. Book of Faces page coming soon!