Stone the Crows

September 20th 2025
Site opens: 10 am
Site closes: 9 pm
Event Registration Fees:
Adult members
Adult non-members
Youth 17 and under are Free
Attending with Children
IMPORTANT – if you are bringing a child for whom you are NOT the parent, or legal guardian, you will need to bring to the event:
A complete signed minor medical waiver (2 copies)
A complete signed minor waiver or signed blue card
Merlin Community Hall
150 Aberdeen St*
Merlin, N0P 1W0
*please note for accurate GPS location, type in 149 Aberdeen
If you have any inquiries
that are not answered on
this site, or are stated as TBA, email us
Please put ‘ StC ‘, and what it is regarding, in the Header
Event Steward
Noble Chera Squirrel
Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions.
If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation,
or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied,
contact the event steward, seneschal, President of the SCA, or your
Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.
9:30 am
Gate opens for Royalty, their staff, and merchants
10 am
Site Opens for general populace
10:30 – 11:30 am
Kingdom Moot
10 am to 11 am
Armoured / Fencing inspection / warm up
11:30 am
Armoured / Fencing First Tournaments begin
12:30 – 1:30
King’s Coterie of Armoured Combat
For one hour, His Royal Majesty will take the time to train anyone who is new to armoured combat, including those who are interested but have yet to fight
1 pm
Lunch is served
2 pm to 4 pm
Armoured / Fencing ‘Way of the Thief’ Tournament begins
(at TRM discretion)
Begins shortly after Court
9 pm
Site Closes
for $7 you get…
Pork Sausage Pottage or Cabbage Pottage
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
Baked Gammon of Bacon
Sweet Bun /w Honey Butter
Hard boiled Egg
Mushroom Tart
Sugared Almonds
Fine Cakes
To reserve your lunch, include ‘Lunch’ in the heading of the email,
and let us know your SCA name, and how many lunches you are reserving
Lunch dietary warnings
Pork Sausage contains dairy
Baked Gammon contains meat, egg & gluten
Sweet Bun contains dairy, egg & gluten
Mushroom Tart contains dairy & gluten
Feast – $15
Seats for feast are Very limited – reserve your seat early
To reserve your place at Feast, include ‘Feast’ in the heading of the email,
and let us know your SCA name, and how many Feast places you are reserving.
Please be advised that most feast menu items can be modified (or an alternative given) to meet dietary restrictions. Please let us know of your dietary restrictions in the email to reserve your feast, as we want to ensure any of our friends who wish to sit feast can do so.
First Remove
Stewed Capon
(contains meat & citrus)
(contains egg, dairy & gluten)
Honey Glazed Roots
(contains dairy)
Miscelin Bread
(contains gluten)
Conserve of Orenges
(contains citrus)
A Tarte of Ryce
(contains egg, dairy & citrus)
Second Remove
Fylettes in Galytyne
(contains gluten)
Pear Tart
(contains egg, dairy & gluten)
Mushy Peas
Almond Pudding
(contains dairy & nut)
Spiced Bread
(contains egg, dairy & gluten)
Fine Cakes
(contains egg, dairy & gluten)
(contains nut)
Third Remove
(contains egg & gluten)
(contains egg & dairy)
Mon Amy
(contains egg & dairy)
(non alcoholic version)
Mistress Medb ingen Dungaile, will be sitting her Vigil for the Order of the Pelican
Come out and be a part of her special day !
The Kingdom Moot will be happening at the event
10:30 – 11:30 am
Merchants Welcome
Email regarding details
Please put ‘Merchanting’ in the Header of the email
There will be a Refreshment Stand inside the hall
We will NOT be serving alcohol
We Will be serving
Various carbonated beverages & Jumbo Mr Freeze
(while supplies last)
Everything at the Refreshment Stand is priced at $1
As long as the weather is favourable, and we can hold the event outdoors…
Dogs are welcome on site, as long they remain on a controlled leash and are immediately cleaned up after
Having had various shire folk notice a few odd looking eggs on our lands recently, we investigated further. As we feared… these are cuckoo eggs !
We Crows are very welcoming, and love to share what we have.
We also accept that we may be a bit odd, but we are certainly not crazy about cuckoos.
You see, cuckoos are not content with just sharing… no, they demand it all for themselves and push anyone else out into the cold.
In fact, we see these eggs as a threat to the proper upbringing of our own young !
If these eggs were to hatch… in no time at all, we would be seeing an influx of cuckoos, perhaps even to the level of the duck invasion of Raising Waters !
To make sure that we enter the cold season without cuckoos trying to steal all our food and nesting space, we need to make sure all the eggs are gathered and properly contained.
We hope that those who are fleet of foot, and endless in their energy. can help with this task. We will have a basket set up just for the collection of the eggs.
Don’t forget to check inside the egg !
Armoured and Fencing Tournaments
Combatants from each martial style will get a chance to participate in two tournaments
Marshal’s Choice
Due to the time available, and the number of combatants, the marshal will choose which style of tournament they will be running
Way of the Thief
Run since the first Stone the Crows, this traditional tourney has been adapted over time, but the essence remains the same
One end of the Alley has a single combatant: The Merchant
The other end has 2 combatants: The Thieves
The Merchant has an off hand money pouch (can be used to parry).
The Thieves intent on getting the money pouch !
The Merchant must either dispatch or maim the Thieves, or escape through the far exit.
If the Merchant is injured (takes any hit), they drop the pouch and exit they way they entered.
The money pouch can then be picked up by either of the Thieves.
The Thieves can choose to fight each other, or escape out opposite ends.
Whoever holds the money pouch when they exit the Alley, gets the Point.
Whoever has the most points, when the tourney ends – wins
( NOTE: Armoured combatants wishing to participate in this tourney, should bring a gauntlet or hockey glove to participate. The marshal will only have a couple of hockey gloves available to lend out)

Armoured Combat Schedule
MiC – Eral of Alwoodley
10 am – Inspections begin
10 am – Field opened for warm up fights
11:30 am – Marshal’s Choice Tournament Begins
1 pm – Break for Lunch
2 pm – Way of the Thief Tournament Begins
4 pm – Field Closes
Fencing Schedule
MiC Enguerrand de la Wode
10 am – Inspections begin
10 am – Field opened for warm up fights
11:30 am – Marshal’s Choice Tournament Begins
1 pm – Break for Lunch
2 pm – Way of the Thief Tournament Begins
4 pm – Field Closes

Youth Armoured Combat Schedule
The Thrown Weapons field will be open for those who want to enjoy some free throw fun !
Thrown Weapons Schedule
Mic Cera Squirrel

Archery Tournament
Shoot the Scarecrow
A brand new tourney for this year
The scarecrow is bothering the crows…
so stick it full of arrows to convince it to move along.
There will be a scarecrow set up as a target, however…
some of the braver crows have already started to sit on it.
Don’t Shoot the Crows, or you will loses points !

Archery Schedule
MiC Séamus Gunne of Ealdormere
Shoot the Scarecrow