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Submitting Heraldry

To make use of a name or piece of armoury in the Society for Creative Anachronism, it must be submitted and registered with the College of Heralds. When starting your submission, we recommend that you consult with your local herald. Heralds can help you make sure that your submission follows the rules set by the Society College of Heralds (i.e. the governing body of SCA heraldry) and that it does not conflict with another piece of registered heraldry.

What can a person register?

  • Personal Name(s)
  • Household Name(s) – called Arms after you’ve received your Award of Arms
  • Device
  • Badge(s)

An individual can have up to ten (10) name items AND ten (10) armoury items registered at a

At this time, there is no cost to submit your heraldry for consideration, thanks to ongoing support from several groups within Ealdormere, including the Canton of Bryniau Tywynnog, the Barony of Ben Dunfirth and the Barony of Rising Waters. Official Ealdormere submissions forms are located on our Forms page. Please prepare your submission forms for Green Mantle (the Submissions Herald for Ealdormere) as follows:

a. Use the current version of the forms (Laurel v. 4.0, Ealdormere v. 1.0, Laurel approved 31 Dec 2022). These are fillable pdf forms that allow for images (where needed) to be pasted in to the document.
b. Names submissions must be properly documented. Any additional documentation for names or devices should be attached to the email and referenced in the form. 
c. Provide a separate colour version of armoury submissions in .jpg format, so it can be easily uploaded to OSCAR as part of the submission process.

Send your electronic files to​. If you are a consulting herald making the submission, be sure to CC your client(s), so they have a record of when it was submitted.

The submission process – Why does it takes so long?

Once the form has been received, Green Mantle will put your submission into the Kingdom commentary process. The commentary process allows heralds to ensure that your submission does not conflict with a previously approved submission, has no stylistic issues, and isn’t breaking any of the rules. The submissions process works like this:

  • As soon as your submission is received, it is placed on the Proto-Letter of Intent (or LoI for short). The Proto-LoI goes out on the 24th of each month, at which point it becomes the “internal” Kingdom LoI (Klol in Oscar).
  • The Kingdom LoI allows heralds to comment on your submission. If an error is found, your herald can report notify you to see if it can be fixed before moving to the next stage. The Kingdom LoI remains up for one (1) month.
  • Any changes made at the Kingdom stage are made and the LoI becomes an “external” letter available for further commentary. The External LoI remains up for two (2) months.
  • Laurel approves or returns your submission, based on the commentary, and publishes the result in the Letter of Acceptances and Returns (LoAR).
  • The Seeblat Herald will post the submission items that have been approved.

If you feel that your submission was returned in error at either the kingdom or Laurel levels, you may file an appeal. Please see your local herald for more information about the appeals process.

Submission Resources

Armoury (documents in Tools for Consulting Heralds, below)

  • Armoury Consultation Guidelines
  • Pennsic Herald’s Point Armory Senior Checklist
  • Pennsic Herald’s Point Armory Worksheet​
  • Mistholme (aka Picture Dictionary/PicDic)
  • Pennsic Traceable Art Project

NOTE: Inclusion in the Traceable Art Project does not imply that images are registerable. Please check with your consulting herald.


  • Pennsic Herald’s Point Names Senior Checklist 
  • Pennsic Herald’s Point Names Worksheet
  • Society Heraldry Names resources for many cultures
  • Academy of St. Gabriel, Names Index

Tools for Consulting Heralds

Here are some tools from outside Ealdormere to help you with this process:


Pennsic Traceable Art Project – Original Version (jpg/gif files), updated Version (vector graphics/png files)   

Mistholme (aka Picture Dictionary/PicDic)


Other Heraldry Consult Resources