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Planned challenges and new patrons for Huntsman’s Harvest, October AS 59 (2024)

Cousins, I currently know of the following nobles who have contacted me about challenging into the academy at Huntsman’s Harvest in Ben Dunfirth (link is to Ealdormere calendar). I’ve confirmed with HL David of Ben Dunfirth that we have time for challenges.

With a goodly number of fencers in the region, this is a great chance to challenge in a supportive setting, and the challenge all comers section is especially fun.

Please contact me ASAP if you want to join our happy numbers!


I’m looking for Cadets confirming to attend, to face this noble’s challenge into the academy for 10 bouts.

  • Cathal Mor, of Rising Waters


I’m looking for scholars to support these challengers. If we are short of scholar academy members, I’ll set up challenges amongst ourselves, and with higher ranking academy members, for our 20 bouts.

For any keen cadets: the revised charter allows you to challenge into the Scholar rank within your first year as a Cadet. After the Scholar rank, you must allow a year between challenges.

  • Aldwynn of Canterbury
  • Alister Kirk
  • Genevieve la flechiere

Free scholar

I’m looking for free scholars and higher ranks, to support this challenger for30 bouts.

  • Baudouin de Domrémy


The following gentles have volunteered to serve as patrons of the academy and I’m happy to welcome them at Huntsman’s Harvest.

  • HRH Anne of Ealdormere
  • Howell of Town’s End
  • Sciath ingen Chennaig