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Academy charter, AS 58

Who Are We?

The Ealdormere Academy of Defence was created by Royal Charter on 13 September, A.S. XXXII by TSH Edward and Rylyn.

The Academy is an organization for fencers in Ealdormere, based on the historic London Masters of Defence. 


The academy’s goals: 

  • encourage study of the historic arts of defense 
  • build academy members’ skills over time, demonstrated on the field  
  • encourage a friendly and cooperative community 
  • share knowledge of the historic combat arts across the kingdom. 

It is quite possible to attain authorization in all weapons forms in a short period of time. It is hoped that the academy’s structure will encourage fencers to remain active and interested for long periods of time, as well as build awareness of fencing in Ealdormere.

Each rank of the Academy has a number of requirements for advancement. This Academy is not based on senior members voting for junior members to advance. The emphasis here is on self-improvement, fostering interests beyond rapier play, dedication and fun.

The requirements aim to help our fencers grow into active and vital citizens of Ealdormere. Cadets can challenge in as Scholars within 1 year of their successful Cadet prize play. For all other ranks  there is a requirement for a time period of one year between each rank.

Academy structure

The  Ealdormere Academy has six ranks, supported by two officers

  • Patron
  • Cadet
  • Scholar
  • Free Scholar
  • Provost
  • Dean

The officers of the Academy shall be:

  • The Praeceptor is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Academy, including supervision of Prize attempts. The Preceptor is entitled to wear a blue scarf with gold/yellow edges to symbolize their position.
  • The Proctor is the academic soul of the Academy, guiding and evaluating the research projects of its members.

In keeping with the tradition of the London Masters of Defence, advancement to higher ranks requires  the member seeking advancement (the Prizor) calling a Prize. The Prize is a display of skill in which the Prizor shows their prowess in different weapons forms. The Prizor will fence a number of boutsto display their skill. When the Prize is completed, if the Prizor meets the requirements of the Prize then the Prizor is invested in the new rank.

Members of all ranks are highly encouraged to do research into the art of historic arts of defense. There are a number of period manuals by rapier masters available. Also encouraged highly is service to your local group, and the members of the fencing community as a whole. Assisting in training and marshaling lightens the load on everybody else, and allows all of us more time to have fun! Not to mention the experience you will gain, and the relationships you will forge with other fencers. 

Most of the duties of each rank are presented with the rank. Some are repeated between the ranks to emphasize their importance. There is a duty that applies to us all, fencer and non-fencer. We’ll state it here to emphasize it:

Honour, Chivalry, Courtesy, Gentility – Learn it, Live it!

Calling a Prize

When a member meets the requirements for the next rank, that member may call a Prize whenever they feel ready. The Prizor shall contacts the Praeceptor, who will attempt to arrange space and time for the Prize at the desired event. A notice of the Prize shall be published to the kingdom website and shared through appropriate social media, with enough notice to ensure attendance by academy members ,  when the Prize has been arranged.

The format of the Prize shall be as follows:

The Prizor will fight a number of single bouts, which increases with rank. All forms that the rank requires  must be used at least once. The floor is then opened for a minimum of 15 minutes, maximum of 30 minutes (or longer if time permits) to all comers. Any authorized fencer can participate in the open part of the challenge.

  • The Prize for a Cadet shall be 10 bouts before opening the floor.
  • The Prize for a Scholar shall be 20 bouts before opening the floor.
  • The Prize for a Free Scholar shall be 30 bouts before opening the floor.
  • The Prize for a Provost shall be 40 bouts before opening the floor.
  • The Prize for a Dean shall be 50 bouts before opening the floor.

Only bouts fought against members of the rank being fought for are counted, all other bouts are for exhibition. 

The Prizor must be victorious in at least one-third of all bouts fought against opponents of the rank being fought for. 

If the Prizor does not meet this minimum, then they may call a Prize at another event. The Prizor does not need to wait another year to call another prize of the same rank. 

If the Prizor meets the minimum, then they win the Prize. 

Successful Prizors are invested with their regalia at that event’s court, or on the field upon completion of their prize play..


A Patron of the Academy is anyone who supports the fencing community in Ealdormere.

Petition for advancement: Ask. Anyone who wishes to be considered a patron should be accepted.

For special service beyond this, the Academy may vote to accord a Patron a gold stripe on their scarf.

This would cover those whose support is more active and of long duration. Examples of service include, but are certainly not restricted to: assistance at list tables, assistance with paperwork, support of fence on the field or in practice, constructing garb for fencers, making equipment (hilts, etc.) for fencers, research of any kind into fencing or the culture of the rapier era, etc.


  • Have Fun!
  • Provide moral support for fencers
  • Be proud of the connection to the Academy

Symbol of Rank

A purple scarf



  • Have the single fencing authorization
  • Desire to join the Academy
  • Start thinking about garb that can be made list legal for fencing

Prize Requirement

To earn the rank of Cadet, the Prizor must fight 10 bouts, followed by a minimum of 15 minutes of open challenge.

Duties of Cadets

  • Have Fun! This is your most important duty.
  • Become involved with other aspects of the SCA.
  • Hone fencing skills beyond the basics, into advanced techniques, especially period forms
  • Begin learning at least one other weapons forms
  • Begin assembling garb that is list legal for fencing

Symbol of Rank

A red scarf



  • at least 2 fencing authorizations  
  • at least one year of experience as an authorized fencer 
  • Wear period garb in the list

Prize Requirement

To earn the rank of Scholar, the Prizor must fight 20 bouts, followed by a minimum of 15 minutes of open challenge.

Duties of Scholars

  • Have Fun!
  • Continue honing rapier skills
  • Get an appointment as a Marshal in Training
  • Continue work on additional authorizations
  • Assist in training and guidance of other fencers
  • Begin studying period sources, if not already doing so

Symbol of Rank

A red scarf edged in green

Free Scholar


  • at least 3 weapons authorizations 
  • at least two years of experience as an authorized fencer 
  • Wear period garb in the list
  • Be involved in at least one other aspect of the SCA
  • active Marshal in Training

Prize Requirement

To earn the rank of Free Scholar, the Prizor must fight 30 bouts, followed by a minimum of 15 minutes of open challenges.

Duties of Free Scholars

  • Have Fun!
  • Get that Marshals Warrant
  • Work with other fencers in training and guidance
  • Keep working on technique and weapons forms, especially period forms
  • Begin a research project

Symbol of Rank

A green scarf



  • at least 3 weapons authorizations 
  • at least three years of experience as an authorized fencer
  • Wear period garb in the list
  • Gain and maintain a Marshals Warrant
  • Be involved in at least one other aspect of the SCA
  • Be familiar with at least one period manual
  • Have completed a research project

Prize Requirement

To earn the rank of Provost, the Prizor must have a research project completed, then fight 40 bouts, followed by a minimum of 15 minutes of open challenges.

Duties of Provosts

  • Have Fun!
  • Be active in the training and guidance of other fencers
  • Act as a guide in research, training and any other areas of expertise
  • Continue learning and teaching period forms
  • Begin a second research project

Symbol of Rank

A green scarf edged with blue



  • at least 3 weapons authorizations
  • at least four years of experience as an authorized fencer
  • Wear period garb in the list
  • Be involved in at least one other aspect of the SCA
  • Have completed at least two research projects (one for Provost, one for Dean)
  • Be familiar with at least two period manuals

Prize Requirement

To earn the rank of Dean, the Prizor must have completed their second research project, then fight 50 bouts, followed by a minimum of 15 minutes of open challenges.

Duties of Deans

  • Have Fun!
  • Act as a guide in research, training and any other areas of expertise
  • Act as advisors to the Praeceptor
  • Teach, talk about and demonstrate period forms
  • Help people understand period manuals
  • Help people with their research projects where possible
  • Continue your own research and learning

Symbol of Rank

A blue scarf

Challenging a Prize

When a member meets the requirements for the next rank, that member may call a Prize whenever they feel ready. To learn how, please see Scheduling a Prize.

Cadets can challenge in as Scholars within 1 year of their successful Cadet prize play. For all other ranks there is a requirement for a time period of one year between each rank. It is hoped that this will encourage fencers to become dedicated, regardless of their skill level.

The format of the Prize shall be as follows.

Prize Rounds

The Prizor will fight a number of duels, which increase with rank.

  • The Prize for a Cadet shall be 10 bouts before opening the floor.
  • The Prize for a Scholar shall be 20 bouts before opening the floor.
  • The Prize for a Free Scholar shall be 30 bouts before opening the floor.
  • The Prize for a Provost shall be 40 bouts before opening the floor.
  • The Prize for a Dean shall be 50 bouts before opening the floor.

In order to earn the Prize, the Prizor must be victorious in at least one-third of all bouts fought against opponents of the rank being fought for. If the Prizor does not meet this minimum, then they may call a Prize at another event. If the Prizor meets the minimum, then they win the Prize. 

Weapon Use

At all ranks, the Prizor must make use of the forms required in the rank.  

The Prize may be fought with either Heavy Rapier or Cut and Thrust, provided there are a sufficient number of authorized opponents of the correct rank. 

If the Prizor is authorized in both Heavy Rapier and Cut and Thrust, they may omit one primary form (either Heavy Rapier or Cut and Thrust). This is because there may not be enough opponents available in the other form, and the armour requirements may not be feasible within the time constraints.


Only bouts fought against members of the rank being fought for are counted; any other bouts are for exhibition. In order to proceed, the Prize fight requires three members of the desired Prize rank who are authorized and capable of fighting in the Prizor’s style (either heavy rapier or cut and thrust). Exceptions or amendments to this guideline may be made on a case by case basis by the Preceptor or their deputy, in consultation with any members of the Council of Deans and Provosts who are in attendance.

Two common exceptions:

  • If there are a number of Prizors fighting for the same Prize at an event and few other opponents of the correct rank, the Praeceptor, at their discretion, may include the other Prizors fencing for the same Prize as opponents.
  • In cases where there are not enough opponents of a specified rank to hold a Prize (but the required number of opponents was expected), higher-ranked fencers may be substituted at the discretion of the Preceptor and the Prizor. The Prize will still be fought for the original rank.

Timed Exhibition Bouts

After the prize rounds, the floor is then opened for a minimum of 15 minutes, maximum of 30 minutes (or longer if time permits) to all comers.

Award of Prize

Members who succeed in winning their Prize shall be invested in court by the ranking Academy official present. If there is no court scheduled, then the member shall be invested in the new rank upon successful completion of the Prize.


The Praeceptor is responsible for overseeing the Academy and its members. The term of office for the Praeceptor shall be one year.

Duties of the Praeceptor

  • Have Fun!
  • Maintain the charter contents and manage changes to the charter as required
  • Maintain a roll of members of the Academy. When a member attains a higher rank, the member who advanced in rank shall notify the Praeceptor in writing so that the increase in rank may be recorded in the Academy’s records.
  • Appoint the next Praeceptor at the end of the term of office, subject to approval by the Crown of Ealdormere. The successor shall present themselves in court before the Crown, and shall be invested thus.
  • Continue practicing the duties of the rank held by the Praeceptor, if any

The Praeceptor may call for an exception to the charter on a case by case  basis after consulting the Deans and Provosts of the Academy. .

When a member wishes to play a Prize for the next rank, the Praeceptor shall attempt to arrange time and space with the Marshal in Charge of the event that the Prize is to be played at. Once this is done, then the Praeceptor shall arrange to have a notice published so that interested parties may plan to attend.

Symbol of Rank

A blue scarf edged with gold.


The Proctor is the Academy’s research advisor. In other words, someone who has done research into things like manuals of fence, culture, clothing, weapons, etc. There is no requirement that they be an authorized fencer, but it would be preferable that they have active knowledge of actual rapier play. The term of office for the Proctor shall be one year.

Duties of the Proctor

  • The Proctor’s specific duty is to approve research tasks for those wishing to advance to Provost or Dean
  • After advising and assisting as needed through the research process, the Proctor will review the completed research
    • At the Provost level, it is mainly desirable that the candidate be familiar at a basic level about period rapier play
    • At the Dean level, evidence of more intense and organized research will be required. This can take many forms: a demonstration of period rapier play, making a new set of rapier garb, writing a paper on some aspect of the culture, etc
  • The Proctor is also the person responsible for encouraging research and application of it within the Academy, and is a resource person for anyone wanting to do this kind of research

For historic reference: the previous charter. This PDF copy is dated 2018.