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A new academy member, 3 new patrons and successful challenges: Huntsman’s Harvest AS 59

Greetings cousins: I have the happy task of reporting on results of the excellent day of fencing held at Huntsman’s Harvest in Ben Dunfirth this day past. We have 4 new members and advancements of 4 existing members to celebrate. Seeing 5 academy members holding the field against all comers for the open timed challenge was a real pleasure, from my end of the field.

Her Majesty Anne awarded scarves on the field, before the assembled company of academy members and all participating fencers.

My heartfelt thanks to

  • HL David of Ben Dunfirth and the event stewards for working on their combat schedule with care, only to have to change it on the day
  • Noble Umesaya Soukurou who acted as record keeper and time keeper
  • Master Albrecht, HE Gerrard Carpentarius and Lord Lucius Lowthane who made HL Baudoin’s challenge possible on short notice
  • all those fencers who join us for playing all comers – it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without you taking part

For our newest members and our successful challengers, Wassail!


These nobles all expressed interest in supporting the Academy of Defense with their skills and their time. I’m grateful for their offers to keep the academy running, and a joyful place to cross swords.

  • Anne von Talstadt queen of Ealdormere
  • Howell James of Town’s End
  • Sciath ingen Chennaig


  • Cathal Mor


  • Aldwynn of Canterbury
  • Alister Kirk
  • Genevieve la flechiere

Free scholar

  • Baudouin de Domrémy