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Feast of the Hare: Four cadets and two scholars

What joy cousins!

I write to announce that HE Dubheasa provided excellent weather at Feast of the Hare so we could conduct Academy challenges in bright, clear and cool conditions. Successful challengers from this event:


  • Rodrigo Bereguer
  • André
  • Emily Plantiga
  • Kathline Valiquette, called the Dominant


  • Joffr Rodson
  • Hrvoje Mihaljovic

Arcill Bìodach has deferred his challenge to a later date.

Her Majesty Anne presented scarves on short notice for people leaving early, and at feast.

My thanks to Cristabel Wensleydale and Alister Kirk who, with me, provided examiners for the scholar challengers, and for the many friends of the academy who joined in the cheerful 15 minutes of playing all comers on the field, not once but twice for both cadets and scholars.

It was a joyful day, and I’m delighted to have new members of the academy now across the kingdom.