The cold of winter is firmly upon us and rumours abound that their most Royal Majesties will be leaving the kingdom in the hands of their heirs, whilst they seek warmer climes and engage in diplomacy with other kingdoms. With the King and Queen absent the Barons see an opportunity to expand their fief. Already stalwart Ben Dunfirth has placed agents inside the borders of the Western Shires. They appear to be preparing to lay claim to the lands where the great trade roads from the Shires fork. Western spies have learned that the crafty Baron of Ramshaven is not to be outmaneuvered and already he has bespoke his champions and his Red Knight to prepare his light and heavy forces to counter The Great Boar to the South.
The Western Shires will not stand for this! We hold these lands in the name of their Royal Majesties as was laid out in treaties decades ago. The avarice of these Barons will not be overlooked. And we call upon our warriors to form up and and march to meet these mighty foes who lay false claim to our lands. We also beseech others in the Kingdom, loyal to their majesties to join us to push back against this uprising and prevent the Barons from taking what is not rightfully theirs! Join us and we will stand fast against the advance Boar and Ram. We can intercept these armies on the 8th of March, and protect these territories until their Majesties return and restore order to their lands
Saturday March 8, 2025


Paris Fairground, 139 Silver St., Paris ON N3L 1v5
Site Opens: 9:00am
Site Closes: 8:00pm
$25 for members $35 for non-members
Youth 17 and under free
Lunch: TBD
Feast: $25
9:00am – Site Opens
Fencing and Armoured Combat in the Special Events Building
Main event space in the Exhibition hall
There will be a Regency court after the battles, likely around 5:00 PM
Feast shall be at 6:00PM
Event Steward: Rhisiart ap Meredudd
Deputy Event Steward: Panda Usagi
Gate: Joshua of the March
Rattan Marshal: Gajin Bahadur
Fencing Marshal:
Youth Marshal: Wulfgang Donnerfaust
Feast: William of Northumbria, Yoshikuri Nagayori & Jonas Vaillant
Merchant Liaison: Sara Barrington,
Royalty Liaison: Lassarfhina