The Ealdormere Academy of Defence was created by Royal Charter on 13 September, A.S. XXXII by TSH Edward and Rylyn.
The Academy is an organization for fencers in the kingdom of Ealdormere, based on the historic London Masters of Defence.
Learn about historic masters of defense, and their fencing schools. The link points to a paper originally on iceweasel-dot-org, now available from Wayback Machine.
If you’re new to the Society for Creative Anachronism, or new to Ealdormere, start at
Revised Academy charter and policies
Editable versions, and PDF versions available on request.
Challenges and updates
- Winter war outcome: seven prizes played before their highnesses of Ealdormere
- Winter War, March 2025: planned challenges
- Feast of the Hare: Four cadets and two scholars
- Planned challenges, Feast of the Hare AS 59, CE 2024
- A new academy member, 3 new patrons and successful challenges: Huntsman’s Harvest AS 59