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New cadet, aspiring challengers for AS 59, Academy roll, and charter comments

Dear cousins, happy news and updates to share!

New cadet: Wassail!

Fritz of der Wulfengau successfully challenged into the ranks of Cadet in the Academy at Rising Waters’ Winter Wonder Whack mega-practice at the end of February AS 58, aka 2024.

He met Master Albrecht, myself (Visc Genevieve) and Lord Skalli on the field for 10 bouts. Lord Skalli was a guest of the academy who graciously agreed to support our efforts.

Noble Rhys witnessed these challenges and timed the meet-all-comers challenge for us.

Baroness Scaith of Rising Waters held a brief court to welcome Fritz to the academy ranks.

Many thanks to HE Scaith for presiding, and all those who supported Fritz’ challenge with crossed swords and their presence on the field.

Challengers for the coming spring and summer

To date (March 10 2024), I’ve been approached by 3 different fencers about challenging into the academy as Cadets, and 2 people who aspire to advance to the rank of Scholar. Hurrah!

These numbers present us with a charming problem of ensuring sufficient challengers are available for the coming season. I’ll be looking for any active Cadets and Scholars who are available for challenges over the spring and summer.

Help update the Academy roll

On this site, I’ve moved all the names of members to a single page. Some editorial calls so far:

  • retained the alphabetic order
  • added event and date for most recent challenges
  • removed SCA titles

I can’t guarantee keeping up with everyone’s titles. There’s a whole heraldic department with that job in Ealdormere, and they’re much better at it than me.

Some names are missing! I’ll comb through some recent discussions, but please review the list and send me corrections: eaod -dot- praeceptor -at- gmail -dot- com.

I’d love to add any details you remember of your challenges, that made them memorable – the event, the conditions, who presided. Please help preserve our happy history with your memories of your challenges.

Last call for charter comments

I’m wrapping up comment period about the revised charter at the end of the coming week. Please send me any thoughts to the EAOD praeceptor email, or ping me directly on social media.

I’ll happily retain the legacy charter for reference, after publishing the update.

Note: I use FB sparingly, mostly to post announcements about activities. Because algorithms, I don’t see everything, though personal tags help. I do use email and Discord: I can send you an invite to Ealdormere Discord.