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Academy policies, AS 58

Proposed February 2024, AS 58

Genevieve la flechiere, Praeceptor

Commitment to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Per the Society’s statements and commitments about conduct and behaviour, the Academy aims to build a diverse, equal and inclusive fencing community.


Our aim is to challenge fencers to demonstrate their skills to the best of their abilities. The Academy’s prize plays can accommodate physical, mental and psychological conditions, by prior agreement with the Praeceptor. 

Contact the Praeceptor to discuss an accommodation in confidence, when you request a prize play.

Fencing weapons and protective armour

The academy follows the current rules as defined by Society and kingdom handbooks.

Consult the kingdom’s fencing marshal handbooks for guidance on current standards for armour, clothing and weapons.

Scheduling a Prize

To call a Prize, contact the Praeceptor by email with the following information or complete the form online:

  • Name (Mundane and SCA, please)
  • The rank you want to fight for
  • The event at which you’d like to play your Prize
  • Your email address for correspondence, if available
  • If this will be your first Prize, and you are not playing for the rank of Cadet, please indicate how and/or why you qualify for the rank desired
  • Ranks requiring research projects require the approval of the Proctor before your Prize can be scheduled!

Ranking for your first prize

For the initial filling of the ranks, discuss with the Praeceptor to determine what rank you feel you qualify for. So long as you qualify for the rank, you may play your initial Prize at that rank or lower. 

Feel free to start at the bottom and work your way up if you so desire, even if you qualify for a higher rank.

The Praeceptor will attempt to arrange space and time for the Prize at the desired event. If you are contacting the Praeceptor close to the prize scheduling deadline, please contact the Rapier MiC for the desired event to attempt to arrange time for your Prize, otherwise the Prize attempt may be delayed.

You are responsible for bringing your scarf for presentation in court.


Note that by the charter of the Academy, all Prizes must be published to the kingdom website and shared through appropriate social media, typically no less than 30 days before the event date.This advance notice helps Academy members plan to attend events, to support the Academy prize plays.

Research projects for advancement in the Academy

The goal of the research projects is to build the Academy’s collective knowledge of historic sword combat, including weapons, clothing, techniques and experiences. 

Research can range widely in both subject and format.

Suggested project baseline 

Your research should at minimum be similar to a Grade 10 essay in an Ontario high school for time and effort invested in research and presenting findings. 

More complex projects are very welcome, but not required.

Suggested formats for presenting research

This list is not exhaustive. Discuss with the Proctor to decide how to present your research:

  • a short paper
  • a blogpost or series of blogposts
  • a video shared online
  • a class taught within the Society, in person or online
  • a presentation at any of the A&S events in Ealdormere – confirm with the Proctor that they are available to view and comment on your project

Proposing changes to the charter

The academy charter needs occasional updates: for example, to match current weapons forms in Ealdormere.

Any member of the Ealdormere Academy of Defense can propose a change to the charter.

The academy member can address the proposal to the Praeceptor in writing – email preferred. 

While the member must provide their own name and email to the Praeceptor, the Praeceptor doesn’t share that name with the academy. Anonymity allows academy decision makers to consider a proposal on merit rather than based on who suggests it.

A proposal includes:

  • outline of what changes they’re suggesting – a specific wording is helpful but not required
  • reasons for changing the charter: specifically, how it would further the aims of the academy, as described in the charter
  • any supporting evidence – for example, a reference to new kingdom laws or martial handbook, that would affect the charter

The Praeceptor organizes a charter review around once every 3-5 years. 

The decision makers are all members of the academy by simple majority vote, on a date specified in the review announcement.

A review announcement includes:

  • publication of the plan to review, including the proposed changes to the charter, through the kingdom website and social media
  • 30 day window for discussion and polling within the academy
  • requests poll by the deadline date through an online form

The Praeceptor updates the charter, and publishes the outcome to the kingdom website, and social media as required.

Proposing changes to Academy policies

This process is similar to the charter review.

The Praeceptor reviews the policies annually to ensure they are relevant. They consult with the Academy, and after consultation, can make any changes required to keep the Academy running smoothly.

Any member of the Ealdormere Academy of Defense can propose a change to policies. Please put your request or recommendation in writing – email preferred. 

A proposal includes:

  • outline of what changes they’re suggesting – a specific wording is helpful but not required
  • reasons for changing the policies: specifically, how it would further the aims of the academy, as described in the charter
  • any supporting evidence – for example, a reference to new kingdom laws or martial handbook


The Praeceptor and Proctor hold their offices typically for 1 year terms. 

If these offices interest you, contact the current officer to ask about volunteering to do their role.

To volunteer officially, please put your offer in writing – email preferred.