The Barony of Ben Dunfirth has named the following candidates to be polled in the Baronial Selection Procedure:

  1. Jørgen Lennertson & Meredyth Llwellyn
  2. Bellatrix Hespeler & Fischer

A Candidate Meeting will be held on Monday, August 22nd and Monday August 29th where the candidates will make themselves available to meet with members of the Barony to explain how they intend to serve the Barony and answer questions from the membership, unless exceptional circumstances arise, as dictated by the Crown.

Members of the Barony who would like to participate in the Baronial Selection Procedure are recommended to attend the Candidate Meeting. This allows members to familiarize themselves with the Baronial Candidates and ask questions to ensure they are able to make an informed decision when they choose to participate in the Baronial Polling.

For more information on the Baronial Selection Procedure, including information on Polling Meetings and the Announcement of New Baronial Office, please see the newsletter on the Baronial Selection Procedure.