The Baron & Baroness of Ben Dunfirth

Jørgen Lennertson (He/Him) & Meredyth Llwellyn (She/Her)

(George Bird & Alicia York-Bird)

Their Excellencies, otherwise know as the Baronial Nobles of Ben Dunfirth, are the ceremonial heads of the Barony. They represent their respective branch across The Kingdom of Ealdormere and The SCA.

A horizontal yellow key on a red circle

Baronial Seneschal

Howell James of Town’s End (they/she)

(Emily Townshend)

The Seneschal is the administrative and legal leader of a group in the SCA. They are responsible for running meetings, submitting reports, and all other forms of administrative duties.

A vertical yellow key on a green circle


Gabriel Ryan (They/Them)

(Erika Ryan)

The Chatelaine or Castellan is responsible for assisting new members to the Society by answering questions and connecting them to individuals who organize activities they are interested in.

a red and white checkered pattern going down the centre of a blue circle, with three vertical yellow circles on either side


THL Bellatrix Hespeler (He/They/Hun)

(Glenn Shilletto)

The Exchequer handles the finances of the barony. They are responsible for managing and reporting the financial activities of the barony.

Armoured Combat Marshal

Minq the Skinner (He/Him)

(Brent Moore)

The Armoured Combat Marshal oversees Armoured Combat activities within their respective barony. They are responsible for inspecting all fighters’ gear and weapons prior to entering the field to ensure it meets the standards in the Marshal’s Handbook.

The Armoured Combat Marshal runs the weekly fight practices and may be contacted regarding loaner gear for new fighters.

two crossed rapiers on a black circle

Fencing Marshal

David of Ben Dunfirth (He/Him)


The Armoured Combat Marshal oversees Armoured Combat activities within their respective barony. They are responsible for inspecting all fighters’ gear and weapons prior to entering the field to ensure it meets the standards in the Marshal’s Handbook.

The Armoured Combat Marshal runs the weekly fight practices and may be contacted regarding loaner gear for new fighters.

Thrown Weapons Marshal

Lord Evandrus of Hallstatt (He/Him)

(Paul Evans Smart)

The Thrown Weapons Marshal oversees all thrown weapon activities within their respective barony. They are responsible for running the field and inspecting all participants.

Archery Marshal

THL Don the Duckman (He/Him)

(Don Intini)

The Archery Marshal oversees all Archery activities within their respective barony. They are responsible for safely running the archery range at baronial events and inspecting the archer’s gear prior to entering the range.

two yellow crossed swords with a trapezoid (label) above them on a black circle

Youth Combat Marshal

Howell James of Town’s End (They/She)

(Emily Townshend)

The Armoured Combat Marshal oversees Youth Combat activities within their respective barony. They are responsible for ensuring all Youth Combat participants’ weapons and armour are safe and meet the current requirements as per Kingdom guidelines.

Herald / Pursuivant

Mabel (They/Them)

(Anrya Foubert)

The Herald/Pursuivant is responsible for announcing court business for their respective barony.

The Herald/Pursuivant is also responsible for running, opening, and closing the weekly baronial meeting.

a circle split into black on the left with a white feather and white on the right, with a black feather. A red section splits the top portion of the circle.


Ascelyn of Ben Dunfirth (They/Them)

(Michael McLaren)

The Chronicler is responsible for all official baronial publications. They publish The Clarion on a monthly basis, updating the barony on recent news, honours, awards, and highlight the work of its members.

A black spider in a white circle with a red section splitting the top quarter of the circle, above the spider.


Fischer (They/Them)

(Robin McConnell)

The Webminister is responsible for all things relating to the official website of the barony. That’s me! Hi!

a white candle inside of a white archway, on a blue circle

Arts & Sciences Minister

Mistress Marioun Golightly

(Katherine Golightly)

The Minister of Arts and Sciences (MoAS) is responsible for supporting study into art forms, technologies, and those aspects of culture relating to their use, both in period and in Society activities.

A wolf maintaining a large feather on a white circle with a white horizontal stripe


L’honorable Seigneur Baudouin de Domrémy (He/Him)

(Scott Unger)

The Signet is responsible for coordinating all matters regarding scrolls within their respective barony.

A red wolf's head on top of a trillium shape in a white circle

Social Media Officer

Brand Thorwaldsen (He/Him)

(Blair DeMarco-Wettlaufer)

The Social Media Officer encourages the enthusiastic but responsible use of social media on a variety of platforms to support the goals of the Society and is responsible for updating the social media platforms with the most recent news within their respective barony.