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Announcing the New Cataract

A message from your Chronicler / Webminister Bera Oddsdottir

Greetings and good cheer to the members of Rising Waters and our friends and family in the Kingdom of Ealdormere and beyond!

As we ring in the new year I am also excited to ring in a fairly major update and upgrade to how our popluace can keep updated an in touch.

We have made the move to convert our newsletter, The Cataract, to an online blog format. This will allow us to permanently have any information online and easy to access that might be of import to our members. A digest version of this newsletter/blog will be emailed out to the Cataract subscribers quarterly.

I would also like to welcome aboard Crespin as our blog content manager. Crespin’s role will be to publish any posts people would like to contribute to the blog, send off the quarterly digest to the mailing list, and to generally keep an eye on things around here.

If you would like to submit anything to be published please email Crespin at

Since this is all very new, and since I am also continuing on in the role of webminister for the Barony you can also contact me with any questions about this new development. If you notice anything incorrect or strange with how this new blog appears I would greatly appreciate hearing about it. This is a work in progress so there may be some bugs to iron out along the way. You can reach me at