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Your Chatelain Requests Assistance!

Warm winter greetings Rising Waters!

As your newly(ish) appointed Chatelain during this Pandemic there has been little ability to really engage the Chatelain’s duties, to foster, recruit and retain new members and get involved in the community that our Barony resides in.

As this is a new year, I really want to make a concerted effort to make connections and contacts within the Niagara region regarding opportunities for Demonstrations, recruitment efforts, etc.

To that end I am requesting that any member of our Barony who has any contacts or ideas on places we could engage please contact me via email at:

I have plans already to contact the Scouts and Guides groups of the Niagara Region as well as possibly taking part of the Pride in the Park celebration in St Catharines.

Let’s grow Rising Waters as much as we can and really instill our group as a visible and known contributor to our community!

Yours in service,

Rhys of Anglesey – Chatelain of Rising Waters