Hi everyone, we recognize that it’s been a minute since we’ve been able to host the Lady Mary Memorial Tournament. There are some new folks in our community, and we look forward to witnessing the great labours of chivalry and feats that will be inscribed on the champions’ trophies.
I’m going to make a few posts in the next couple of weeks about the history of this event, as we look forward to the event. This first post is focused on the armoured combat prestige tournament. This tournament was established in A.S. XXIII (mundanely, in May 1988). Combat is preceded by the formal procession of all combatants and their consorts. Voice heralds are available to boast in each competitor, and combatants publicly declare whom they are fighting for and usually give a short speech on how their inspiration inspires them.
The 2022 Armour Combat Tournament at Lady Mary will be either a Round Robin or Double Elimination Tournament to determine an ultimate winner. The finals will be fought for a total of three rounds to determine the victor of the Day. This is a prestige tournament. Entrants should ensure that their armour, soft kit, shields, and weapons are in good repair and attractive as if one was entering Crown Tournament.
The name of the champions of each tournament is on the tournament trophy. Inscribed on the armoured combat tournament trophy are

XXIV Lord Micheal D’Arques
XXV Lord Micheal D’Arques
XXVI Viscount Micheal D’Arques
XXVII Duke Sir Palymar of Two Baronies
XXVIII Duke Sir Eliahu Ben Itzhak
XXVIII Viscount Roak of the Rozaki
XXIX Tarquin the Red
XXX Tarquin the Red
XXXI Lord Lucius Aurelius Varus
XXXII Duke Sir Thorbjorn Osis Brandsson
XXXIII Duke Sir Thorbjorn Osis Brandsson
XXXIV Worgen MacGregor for Bernadette
XXXV Evander for Marioun
XXXVI Baron Sigfried Brandoern
XXXVII Roak for Arlette
XXXVIII Etienne for Geirny
XXXIX Roak for Autumn
XL Aaron for Rustique
XLI Master Trumbrand the Wanderer
XLII Baron Sigfried Brandoern
XLIII Duchess Genevieve de Rosse
XLIV Master Trumbrand for Countess Kaylah
XLVI Sir Evander for Baroness Marioun
XLVI Duke Q for THL Lyda
XLVIII Duke Roark for Elizabeth
XLIX Duke Quilliam for Countess Elizabeth
L Duke Drumbrand for Duchess Kaylah
LI Sir Evander for Mistress Marioun
LII Duke Edward for Duchess Rylyn
LIII Count Steinarr Aggarspm
LIV Duchess Kaylah the Cheerful for Duke Trumbrand the Wanderer
Looking forward to seeing Spring dawn at Lady Mary,
Sciath Baroness of Rising Waters