A word from Her Excellency
We woke to a bright and sunny morning, and Winter is nearly washed away from the lands of Rising Waters. The rains that greeted our guests at the Kingdom of Ealdormere Arts and Science Competition yesterday have begun the work of preparing for Spring! I’d like to thank Their Majesties for the honour of hosting Their Arts and Sciences Competition – it is always a real pleasure to welcome the fine nobles of our kingdom, and friends from the known world. We look forward to hosting Their Highnesses, in their upcoming reign, it was wonderful to see you yesterday.
Hosting an event is truly the work of many, and I will attempt to recount the labour and energy to supporting yesterday’s event: Magistra Nika, my co-steward, it is always a pleasure to work with you; Baroness Gema, our lunch steward, your signature cookie is a blessing to any event; Sir Richard and Mistress Annabelle, for their care of the royalty room – I know that your efforts were appreciated by our royalty; Thank you, Rozi, for making and donating the site tokens – they were beautiful; Master Gunther and Baron Dmitri, thank you for taking charge of gate; Abhilin (Leslie), Rhys, Ieuan, Rozi, Corcrán, Nicola, Nika and Gunther, Wilhelm, and so many others who helped with set up, throughout the day, and with closing the site. My thanks to my court crew – Ieaun (my herald), Iustus (my armoured champion), Wilhelm (spear-bearer), and Rhys (who managed the presence). I am so proud of our community!

Congratulations to all of the pentathlon entrants, especially Baudouin de Domrémy – the Kingdom Champion for Arts and Sciences. I was so impressed by the diverse works entered and on display by artisans – I am in awe.

As to the gotcha moment in court – I was well, and truly gotcha’d. Thank you, Mistress Nika and Master Gunther, for your advice, support and for providing exemplars of service. To Their Majesties, there are no words – and many thoughts to contemplate.

In looking ahead, we are eager to greet the Spring and welcome everyone to the Lady Mary Memorial Tournament, on May 13, 2023. And why, yes, we do have a website up for it, too – https://baronyofrisingwaters.org/lady-mary-memorial…/
Yours in Service, Baroness Sciath ingen Chaennaig