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Court Report for the Lady Mary Memorial Tournament

Court Report: Lady Mary Memorial Tournament, May 11, 2024
From the Court of King Evander II and Queen Marioun II

  1. Award of Arms – Wilhelm Seligkint
  2. Award of the Scarlet Banner – Rhys of Angelsey

Baronial Court Report: Lady Mary Memorial Tournament, May 11, 2024
From the Court of Sciath ingen Chaennaig, Baroness of Rising Waters

  1. Award of the Warrior of the Chalice – Tarquin Bjornnson
  2. Award of the Warrior of the Chalice – Margarete de Mey
  3. Award of the Warrior of the Chalice – Niall MacRuadri
  4. Fencing tournament was won by Duke Sir Roak
  5. Armoured combat tournament was won by Duke Trumbrand the Wanderer
  6. Thrown weapons tournament was won by Master Daniel of Whitby
  7. Archery tournament was won by Magistra Nika Dmitrieva doch’ Zvezdina
  8. Scholar’s Tournament was won by the Noble Corcrán Hálftrǫll
  9. Tancred’s Tankert – Gema Krasilni’kova
  10. Award of the Warrior of the Chalice – Rhys of Anglesey
  11. Award of the Spider – Miski Ren
  12. Award of the Warrior of the Chalice – Elizabeth of Galloway
  13. Order of the Protectors of the Chalice – Richard Larmer
  14. Award of the Amber Crystal – Lady Eydis Drifa, David Svartsson, Luke Forrester, and Richard William

Noble Rhys of Angelsey passes Tancred’s Tankert to Baroness Gema Krasilni’kova