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The Seminars of Saint AntoninusClasses

Class Information and Registration now Available!

Class Schedule Registration Social Room & Court Zoom
(Updated: 2020-11-13)

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Blackwork Embroidery

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Teacher: THL Amelye of Trinovantia Nova
Time: 2pm EST
Class Length: 2hrs

Have you ever looked at the maze of linework in late-period embroidery and wonder how to do it? Come learn the four stitches used in counted and freeform blackwork (and maybe a few others), as well as why “blackwork” refers to two different styles

Please watch the video handout ahead of class: Video Handout

Students will need:

  • embroidery thread (black is traditional)
  • your favourite embroidery needle (I prefer a #28 blunt, but please use what brings you joy)
  • fabric upon which you can count the threads (if using aida cloth, please also have a plain weave for freeform; medium-weight linen commonly used for garb is suitable for both)
  • snips
  • fabric marker
  • good lighting

Daily Life in the Middle Ages

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Teacher: Lady Violetta di Parma
Time: 4pm EST
Class Length: 1hr

Details: TBD

Demystifying Scientific and Engineering Processes for A&S

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Teachers: Dame Arwyn of Leicester, OP, OL, Baroness Sciath ingen Chaennaig, OL, Baroness Lucia de Moranza.
Time: 2:30pm EST
Class Length: 1.5hrs

Scientists perform experiments using the scientific method; whereas, engineers follow the creativity-based engineering design process. Both can be applied to A&S projects, research papers and A&S competition entries. Most people don’t realize that they are following one or both of these processes when they are doing their A&S. Our panel of both Laurels and non-Laurels is from a variety of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) backgrounds. We all tend to use one or both of these methods in the creation of our A&S work and will share how we did it.

Everything red, purple, and pink – a survey of historical color cosmetics for lips and cheeks

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Teacher:  Dúgū Jìnán
Time: 2pm EST
Class Length: 1hr

The shades of red, pink, and purple were always considered attractive to the human eye and pigments like red earth (iron oxide) were among first used for the purpose of face adornment. I will present a survey of historical cosmetics in shades of red, purple, and pink, from the Bronze Age to the 16th century. We will visit ancient Sumer, Egypt, Rome and its territories, China, and we will end our journey in Renaissance Europe. Link to selected class notes and references:

Foraging Roundtable

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Teacher: Gelleia le Vintner
Time: 11am EST
Class Length: 1hr

Join a round table discussion covering foraged ingredients in Ealdormere, how to identify them, where to find them, how to use them in culinary applications. There will also be recipes in the powerpoint presentation which can be used by participants for their own use. All the ingredients mentioned are ones lady Gelleia le VInter has worked with directly, and are by no means a comprehensive list of edible plants which can be found in Ealdormere.

Heraldry Submissions Roadmap to Success

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Teachers: Arwyn of Leicester, White Wyvern Herald, Baroness Sciath ingen Chaennaig, Clarion Herald
Time: 10am EST
Class Length: 2hrs

Starting from working with the submitter, we will take trip down the roadmap to success. Describe the initial conversations and resources, through registration process and discuss how to deal with both a successful acceptance (display) to options for returns. Specifically, we will discuss positive ways to work through the process.

History of the Spinning Wheel pre 17th Century

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Teacher: Baroness Aibhilin kennari fra Skye
Time: 5pm EST
Class Length: 1hr

An overview of the evidence we have about the use and development of the spinning wheel before the 17th Century

Introduction to Coin Making

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Teacher: THL Dietrich von Sachsen
Time: 4pm EST
Class Length: 1hr

This will be an overview of making coins in both the Middle Ages and the Current Middle  Ages. Discussion about materials, punches, dyes, coin blanks, and how to get started in moneying.

Introduction to Metal Armour Basics: Dishing and Riveting

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Teacher: Nicola Canis
Time: 4pm EST
Class Length: 1.5hrs

A basic lesson on how to dish and form 16-12 gauge metals as well as what you need, as well as basic riveting techniques.

Is this a Dagger I see Before Me?: Fighting Knives of the Late Middle Ages and Renaissance

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Teacher: Meister Albrecht Stampher
Time: 10am EST
Class Length: 1hr

In the SCA we like to wear knives, and such was the case in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. A great diversity of types of knives existed, some for eating, some used as tools, and other designed specifically for combat. This class will explore the later. It will examine the main types of fighting knives and daggers found from about 1250 to 1600 CE. It will discuss the features that distinguish the different types of knives, the time periods in which they were found, and to an extent, how they were used in combat.

Modern Alchemy 101: Mordants in Dye

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Teacher: Baroness Lucia de Moranza
Time: 5pm EST
Class Length: 1hr

This conversational class explores what’s really happening in that dye pot and how the chemistry behind the pretty colours works. No science background required, questions encouraged. Just because they didn’t know how it worked in period, doesn’t mean we can’t!

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) 101

Zoom Link

Teacher: Margrét Junc
Time: 3pm EST
Class Length: 1hr

This workshop will introduce participants to the concepts of universal design, anti-oppression, and privilege. Situated within an SCA context, the workshop gives some starting places on how to address diverse populations within and outside of the SCA. Bring questions for the Q&A on any issues you want to talk about.

Pattern Drafting: Coif

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Teacher: Charisse Secrest
Time: 1pm EST
Class Length: 1.5hrs

Pattern a coif from measurement as well as from an existing coif. A list of materials that will be helpful in doing your pattern will be provided.

Materials list:

  • Sturdy tracing paper
  • A coif they love
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Pins 
  • Measuring gage
  • 18 inch straight edge
  • Measuring tape
  • Paper scissors 
  • Sharpie
  • Tape
  • Cardboard (cereal box or similar)
  • Work surface

Pimp My (Early Period) Scroll

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Teacher: Dame Asa Gormsdottir
Time: 10am EST
Class Length: 1hr

Do you study early period illumination? Do the extant resources feel a little stale or repetitive? Do you like bling? For new inspiration, turn your attention to other art forms (jewellery, metalwork, carving, even fabric) The teacher will discuss several precious and beautiful artefacts and demonstrate ways to adapt their design and embellishment to SCA scroll projects.

Silent Heraldry 101 class

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Teacher: Morgaine Essex
Time: 1pm EST
Class Length: 1hr

Details: TBD

Tying Two On

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Teacher: Baroness Helena Katerina del Roero
Time: 1pm EST
Class Length: 1hr

During the middle ages and renaissance, sleeves were often a separate item of clothing. This class is an introduction to some of the strategies for attaching separate sleeves.

Welcome to Purgatory! Your expected wait time is…

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Teacher: THL Beatrice de Winter
Time: 11am EST
Class Length: 1hr

This class will discuss the history of Purgatory and how it progressed. from a state of being to a place as well as how some of these changing beliefs impacted attitudes about death and the dead.