Please enjoy this Spring edition of the first Ben Dunfirth Clarion of 2022!

As of this writing, Spring has been teasing us with warm, sunny days, yet annoyingly plagued by the occasional freak snowstorm, as is right and proper for Ben Dunfirth’s geographical boundaries.

Despite our hermetic ways being somewhat enhanced for this second year in a row, we are hopeful to see the end of this period of Plague soon; some of our Kingdom’s Spring events being held out of doors should be just the ticket for shaking off the last of our winter blues.

Happily, the next series of scheduled events are a handy mix of indoor and outdoor activities: the Crown Tournament to name the successor to Ben Dunfirth’s own King Roak and Queen Hyrrokin in late May has seen our recent fight practice attendance swell in numbers! And of course our own hosted event, Murder Melee in the Meadow this coming June is always a good time…and with a newly-renovated property in Binbrook, what’s not to love? As always, stay tuned to the Ealdormere website for more information regarding potential restrictions on in-person events.

Yours In Service,

—Meredyth, Ben Dunfirth Chronicler