Please enjoy this Summer edition of the Ben Dunfirth Clarion; let’s get ready for a great season of Ben Dunfirthian events, awards, and general shenaniganry!

Ben Dunfirth continues its rarely-broken streak of Baronial Royalty, and we are thrilled to welcome and celebrate Their Highnesses Princess Kayla the Cheerful and her Consort Trumbrand the Wanderer (making SCA history at the same time as the first two-time Queen by Right of Arms – wow!).

Many awards have been presented to our populace, and incredible “gotcha’s” were unveiled at Ealdormere’s most recent events. Baron Brand and Baroness Jocea announced at this past weekend’s Murder Melee that after six amazing years they will be stepping down this fall, which means that Ben Dunfirth is on the hunt for our next Baronial Nobles.

It goes without saying that these will be some big shoes to fill! See pages 5-7 for more information on the Baronial Selection process, and your voting rights and obligations as members of the Ben Dunfirth populace. As always, stay tuned to the Ealdormere website for more information regarding potential restrictions on upcoming in-person events.

Yours In Service,

—HE Meredyth, Ben Dunfirth Chronicler