Summer is fast approaching and that means camping events! Our own Murder Melee will be upon us soon! We ask that you spread the word through your compatriots in arms from all groups, whether fighters or fencers, or archers, or thrown weapons, to gather their gear and present themselves on the fields of Binbrook to test their mettle.

We will have special guests this year, their Excellencies Rhydderich Hael, Thalia and Magnus, are planning to attend and may even bring their own 10 person Melee team to compete! Do extend to them our most excellent Ben Dunfirth hospitality!

We also wanted to thank our new and returning Officers who do a most excellent job keeping the great machine of our Barony running!

Looking forward to seeing everyone out on the fields at Melee!

Yours In Service,

—Baron Jørgen and Baroness Meredyth, Baronials of Ben Dunfirth