An ink and brush drawing on paper of a man on a podium, crying news to a crowd of people

What is The Lawspeaker?

The Lawspeaker is a unique position to our Kingdom, and is not beholden to the Crown, but the people. They act as a facilitator to help resolve conflicts and concerns outside of officer-oriented roles.

The Lawspeaker also organizes the Kingdom Moot, to be held each reign, where members of the Kingdom can stand and speak their minds on any matters that concern them.

How is a Lawspeaker chosen?

Lawspeaker Selection Process and Timeline:

  1. The Lawspeaker selection process was published for two cycles of the Tidings with February 28th, 2024 as the deadline for nominations.
  2. The Lawspeaker must have been nominated by 12 armigerous subjects of Ealdormere. Those nominated were confirmed as per Kingdom Law.
  3. Nominations were forwarded to the Kingdom Seneschal before Feb. 28th, 2024 at 11:59 PM.
  4. Confirmed nominees’ names were published in the February Tidings.
  5. As there were two nominees, a vote by the Seneschals of the Kingdom is held. The local Seneschals bring forward the list of names to discuss amongst the membership (eg. The Barony of Ben Dunfirth). The Seneschal will act as a representative of the barony in the vote.
  6. Voting by the Seneschals opens on March 1st, 2024 and close at 11:59 PM on March 25th, 2024.
  7. Results will be discussed with the Royal Family and then shared with the Candidate. The outgoing Lawspeaker will then publicize the successful candidate to the populace.
  8. The Office is anticipated to change over in April/May 2024.

How do I vote?

A poll has been created by Baronial Seneschal, Howell James of Town’s End.

This poll is to determine which candidate the residents of Ben Dunfirth favour as Ealdormere’s next Lawspeaker. Candidate bios are presented in alphabetical order. Responses are anonymous. Please only vote once, and please do not vote in this poll if you have already voted in another barony, canton, stronghold, or shire. This poll closes at midnight on May 13, 2024.

The button below will take you to a Google Forms page where you can fill out the information and cast your vote.