The Barony of
Ben Dunfirth
Who We Are
The Barony of Ben Dunfirth is the branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) serving the Hamilton, Brantford, and Burlington area of Ontario, Canada in the Kingdom of Ealdormere.
The SCA is an inclusive community pursuing research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat and culture. The lives of participants are enriched as we gain knowledge of history through activities, demonstrations, and events.
We welcome all people interested in historical re-enactment, trying new crafts and activities, learning about the past, or becoming involved in a family-friendly hobby that has something to offer for all ages.
An informal workshop that will focus on the art of calligraphy and illumination. Other A&S activities are welcome! Click here for more information.
A workshop for anyone to join, get assistance, or socialize and work on their Arts & Science projects together. All are welcome to attend.
Ben Dunfirth News
Baronial Newsletter | The Clarion – Fall 2024
Thank you all for picking up (downloading) this Fall 2024 edition of Ben Dunfirth’s Baronial newsletter, the Clarion. This is my first newsletter as baronial chronicler so as is my prerogative I’ve remodeled a bit, put on a fresh coat of paint, and shuffled around the furniture. What to expect At a time when most SCA discussion happens in either highly-visible but ephemeral social [...]
We return to our indoor practice location!
The Barony of Ben Dunfirth’s weekly meeting & practice has now moved to our indoor location: Hamilton District Christian High (Cafeteria) 92 Glancaster Rd, Ancaster, ON L9G 3K9 Every Monday from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM We will be hosting all meetings and practices at this indoor location until the summer of next year. Please make sure you update your maps accordingly. Please [...]
Baronial Newsletter | The Clarion – Summer 2024
Please enjoy this Summer edition of the Ben Dunfirth Clarion! Pennsic is just around the corner as of the time of this missive! Pack your bags, sew your final garments, fix your armour, and make sure it all fits in your conveyance (and then repack when it doesn’t)...and for those who sadly can't make Pennsic this year, we have the “Pennsic Pity Party”, AKA [...]
The Barony of Ben Dunfirth is an LGBTQIA2S+ safe space
The Barony of Ben Dunfirth and The Kingdom of Ealdormere is committed to fostering an inclusive environment that embraces and celebrates lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, non-binary, two-spirit, and all other gender and sexual orientations (LGBTQIA2S+) individuals.
The Barony of Ben Dunfirth’s populace has many active members who identify as LGBTQIA2S+, including most our current officers! We are a safe space that does not tolerate hate or discrimination of any kind.
We’re extremely proud to fly our very own baronial pride flag!