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Baronial Officer Descriptions

Responsibilities of the Baroness/Baron

As the representative of the Crown, it is the right and responsibility of the Baron and Baroness to be active in the selection of baronial officers and to be concerned for the health and governance of their Barony. Though the Barons and Baronesses do not have the authority to appoint, warrant or remove officers in the barony, they should be actively involved in the process.

All awards and recognition in the SCA come from the Crown. Thus, territorial barons and baronesses, in their role as representatives of the Crown, may hold baronial courts and make and establish non-armigerous awards. No other branch (excepting a principality) may hold courts, or make or establish awards. Anyone, including the Seneschal, can give someone a thank-you note, but we should not refer to the people who receive such a note as a group.

  1. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.
  2. Attend annual Council of Barons, scheduled at Their Majestys’ wishes.

Responsibilities of Baronial Seneschal

The Seneschal is the facilitator and administrator of the Barony, and is the legal representative of the SCA at the local level. The Seneschal is responsible for facilitating group meetings, but may designate this role to another member. The Seneschal must be legally able to sign contracts within Canada.

The Seneschal’s Handbook is located in the Kingdom of Ealdormere Library, and may be downloaded here: Seneschals’ Documents

The Baronial Seneschal works closely with the Baron and/or Baroness of Rising Waters. The Baron/ess serves as the representative of the Royal Presence in Their Majesties’ Baronies, and so ought to be treated with the respect due a personal representative of the Crown.

The Baronial Seneschals are the direct representatives of the Kingdom Seneschal in their baronies. They provide a source of assistance and information for the groups in their area. As well, they provide a voice for the local branch to the Kingdom Seneschal. Baronial Seneschals are responsible for encouraging and supporting new groups (and also the old), ensuring smooth transitions in local Seneschal offices, providing information about Kingdom procedures, copies of forms (including the insurance letter) and a listening ear when needed.

The Seneschallorum
The Baronial Seneschal must submit their change of officer form to the Kingdom Seneschal. A roster of all Seneschals is printed each month in the Kingdom newsletter. This is not the same as warrant, which is signed by Their Majesties after each coronation.

Requirements For All Levels Of Seneschals

  1. No person may remain a Warranted Seneschal in any one group for more than three years without the permission of the Kingdom Seneschal.
  2. Every Warranted Seneschal must be a paid member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, and receive the Kingdom newsletter at their place of residence.
  3. Every Warranted Seneschal must retain a current copy of the Certificate of Insurance on file.
  4. No Warranted Branch Seneschal may reside in the same place of residence as the Exchequer for the same Branch.
  5. A warrant only lasts for the duration of the reign of the King and Queen who have signed it. The Seneschal will receive confirmation of their warrant with every new warrant roster.
  6. Only a warranted Seneschal may stand in court, vote in Lawspeaker elections, or sign contracts on behalf of the Society.
  7. The Seneschal is the only legal representative of a group within the SCA, and as such the Seneschal is the ONLY person with authority to sign contracts on behalf of the SCA group. This includes contracts for event sites, special occasion permit applications, rental agreements and any other legal documents.
  8. Any Seneschal who fails to report will have their warrant revoked.
  9. Any Seneschal who has failed to comply with the duties of their office may have the warrant revoked and may be removed from office.
  10. A Seneschal is responsible for ensuring that, for events held within their group, Autocrat Event Reports and Event Financial Reports are completed on time by event autocrats and submitted to the appropriate officers as per the Ealdormere Administrative Guide for Autocrats.

As an officer of a barony, the Seneschal should submit copies of their reports to the local Baron/ess to help in keeping them informed. You are in a relationship to the Baron/ess similar to the relationship of the Kingdom Seneschal to the Crown. Your working relationship ought to be professional, cordial and co-operative.

Baronial Seneschal – Duties of the Office

  1. Baronial Seneschals must report to the Kingdom Seneschal as required, incorporating information from the reports submitted to them by the canton seneschals. The schedule of reporting will be determined by the Kingdom Seneschal.
  2. The Baronial Seneschal must remain informed on the state of the local group, and to monitor and aid each incipient group in the Barony. The Baronial Seneschals will be expected to write recommendations for advancement of status, and acceptance of Seneschal candidates for the local groups.
  3. The Baronial Seneschals’ reports must include an assessment of the state of each local group within their Barony, and the state of their Barony as a whole.
  4. The Baronial Seneschal will keep and distribute forms for the general running of the groups. This should include the forms for advancement, reports, event sponsorship, waivers, as well as a list of contacts for the other officers and a list of what forms other offices require.
  5. The Baronial Seneschal will check advancement packages, make and co-ordinate recommendations with the other baronial offices and then present the completed package to the Kingdom Seneschal for approval of the Crown and Officers of State.
  6. The Baronial Seneschal is required to keep a complete roster of all Seneschals in their Barony, and to convey this roster, with all recommendations for Warrant Status to the Kingdom Seneschal one month before Crown Tourney. In the interim, contact information changes for the Seneschals in their area may be forwarded to the Clerk of the Roster.
  7. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of Community Liaison (Deputy to Seneschal)

  1. Investigate and develop opportunities for strengthening community relations with local partners within Rising Waters in collaboration with the Baronial Seneschal.
  2. Develop demo opportunities with Baronial Chatelaine.
  3. Collaborate with appropriate Baronial Officers to organize activities within their portfolios (mega practice, A&S Nights, Demos, etc.)
  4. Report at Meetings regarding activities that have been planned and proposals for future events and activities

The local SCA branch should be a constructive part of the modern community. As an organization, we benefit from many of the services and resources provided by the community. It makes sense then that we give back something to our community. Community service is not a chore, but an opportunity. Possibilities for good sites for events can sometimes be discovered, or created, through community service. New members can often be found through the exposure that frequently accompanies community service. Yet it is important to realize that we have a particular focus as an organization. Community service ought to be offered but if we can find creative ways to serve the community while enhancing our participation in the Current Middle Ages, we can enjoy the best of both worlds. Service can be fun if we strive for medieval instead of a modern feel.

Responsibilities of the Pennsic Land Agent (Deputy to Seneschal)

  1. Register the Barony of Rising Waters group before the deadline each year.
  2. Be familiar with A Handbook for Pennsic Land Agents.
  3. Land Agent must have an email account and Internet access. Email assures that all Land Agent on an assigned block can contact each other easily.
  4. Land Agent will negotiate in good faith with the other Land Agents on their assigned block, via email/the internet, prior to arrival at Pennsic.
  5. All groups must have a Land Agent or On-Site Rep in residence for the entire Pennsic event to:
    1. Negotiate for Land
    2. Rope off the entire encampment perimeter
    3. Be available to discuss issues, situations, and other land-related issues with the Land Staff.
    4. Land that is not roped off or is unattended will be considered abandoned. No “ghost camps” will be allowed. In the case of an emergency that would leave the camp unattended, contact the Land Office.
    5. As always, the final placement of any and all land groups is at the sole discretion of the Land Office.
  6. Inform Baronial Seneschal and Officer Committee of issues or needs to support the Baronial Pennsic Presence
  7. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of Exchequer

The exchequer is the group treasurer.

  1. Responsible for the financial affairs of the group.
  2. The exchequer must keep accurate records of the income and expenses of the group, but is not the final say on how the funds are to be disbursed.
  3. Submit quarterly reports to the Kingdom Exchequer
  4. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Quartermaster

  1. Maintain an accurate inventory of the Baronial stores
  2. Tracking the removal of Baronial equipment for events, activities, and practices.
  3. Report on the condition of Baronial equipment and storage needs.
  4. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Chronicler

Chroniclers must be warranted by the Kingdom Chronicler. New chroniclers should email the Kingdom Chronicler to notify them of the change of office, and request their information is added to the Chronicler Warrant.

  1. Responsible for quarterly publishing of the Baronial newsletter, the Cataract, which can include a range of content from a simple schedule of upcoming events to articles by local members.
  2. Will maintain an updated list of Baronial officers and Baron and Baroness for publication.
  3. Chronicler reports consist of sending each publication to the following recipients:
    1. The subscribers
    2. Kingdom Chronicler
    3. Baronial Seneschal
    4. Baron and/or Baroness
    5. The King and Queen, and the Prince and Princess
    6. (Optional) Society Archivist
  4. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Web Minister

  1. Responsible for maintaining the official Baronial website
  2. May act as an administrator on the Baronial social media accounts
  3. Submit bi-annual reports to the Kingdom Clerk Register
  4. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Social Media Officer

  1. Responsible for assisting the Barony in dealing in the use of social media on approved platforms and managing the Baronial social media presence to support the goals of the SCA within the kingdom.
  2. Act as moderator to ensure that content placed on social media does not contain inappropriate, offensive, or confidential material, and respects principles of trademark and intellectual property.
  3. Hold equal administrative control with individual(s) in charge of an event (autocrat, event steward) along with Baronial Webminister for the Barony.
  4. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

In compliance with the Social Media Policy (SCA), all communication and interaction through social media shall:

  1. be professional and courteous at all times, in concert with the Society’s ideals of honor and chivalry;
  2. respect the needs of discretion and confidentiality with regards to Society matters such as disciplinary measures, personal information, drafts and proposed changes to policies, and any other information that may be sensitive or not appropriate for public discussion;
  3. not be used to announce or communicate official policy or statements that have not otherwise been announced or publicized through required official channels (publication for event status, official sanction, changes to Kingdom Law, etc)
  4. never be used for communication intended for a private audience or limited distribution. Whether by mistake or intent, communications shared through channels that can be used for broad distribution will eventually become broadly distributed. Email discussion groups, Skype conference calls, chat sessions, onetoone “wall postings,” and other limited group communication methods shall never be considered “secure” or “confidential.”

Responsibilities of the Chatelaine

  1. Responsible for helping new and prospective members of the SCA.
  2. Managing the gold key inventory, and ensuring that it is available at events when needed.
  3. Working with the Baronial Community Liaison to organize demos and membership recruitment activities/events.
  4. Make bi-annual reports to the Kingdom Chatelaine
  5. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Demos and public works

Demonstrations are an important part of the SCA, allowing us to attract new members, effectively showing what the SCA is all about, as well as performing an educational function, teaching people what the Middle Ages were really like. Demos are often a primary source of new members for many branches. The way in which your branch portrays itself in demos will directly affect the type of people who will join your group.

Take care that your demos represent who you are as a branch and what you would like to become. Excellent information about holding effective demos, including the SCA’s official policies and many useful handouts, can be found on the Society Chatelaine’s webpage (via the main SCA webpage). You may also get assistance and support from the Kingdom Chatelaine.

Responsibilities of the Herald (Pursuivant)

The Baronial Herald (Pursuivant) is a warranted position. The College of Heralds Warrant is presented by the Trillium Principal Herald at each coronation.

  1. Responsible for making announcements and helping people research their names and heraldic devices in preparation for submission to the College of Heralds.
  2. A warranted Herald may speak with the voice of Their Excellencies or Their Majesties during courts, and on the list field during Tournaments.
  3. The herald may also support event stewards in assigning or coordinating an event herald.
  4. Make quarterly reports to Trillium Principal Herald.
  5. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Marshal

  1. Responsible for arranging, holding and supervising local combat activity practices and ensuring rules and conventions of the SCA and Kingdom are followed.
  2. A warranted Marshal is often responsible for the training of new fighters, and marshals in training (MIT) and for being, or coordinating staff for the Marshal in Charge (MIC) for events hosted by the Barony
  3. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Rapier Marshal

  1. Responsible for arranging, holding and supervising local rapier combat activity practices and ensuring rules and conventions of the SCA and Kingdom are followed.
  2. A warranted Marshal is often responsible for the training of new rapier fighters, marshals in training (MIT) and for being, or coordinating staff for the Marshal in Charge for events hosted by the Barony
  3. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Archery Marshal

  1. Responsible for arranging, holding and supervising local archery activities and practices and ensuring rules and conventions of the SCA and Kingdom are followed.
  2. A warranted Archery Marshal is often responsible for the training of new archers, marshals in training (MITs) and for being, or coordinating staff for the Marshal in Charge (MIC) for events hosted by the Barony
  3. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Thrown Weapons Marshal

  1. Responsible for arranging, holding and supervising local thrown weapons activities and practices and ensuring rules and conventions of the SCA and Kingdom are followed.
  2. A warranted Thrown Weapons Marshal is responsible for the training of new TW throwers, marshals in training (MITs) and for being, or coordinating staff for the Marshal in Charge (MIC) for events hosted by the Barony
  3. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Minister of Arts and Sciences

  1. Responsible for promoting the arts and sciences of the Middle Ages in the Barony. The Minister of Arts and Sciences does not necessarily have to be recognized or talented in the arts and sciences – they need to be enthusiastic and possess a broad range of interests, and be able to encourage others to participate.
  2. Submit quarterly reports to the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences.
  3. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Baronial Calendar Secretary

  1. Responsible for maintaining the Baronial calendar of events.
  2. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Baronial Historian

  1. Responsible for keeping a record, an archive, of the Barony of Rising Waters history, which may include a copy of Baronial publications.
  2. The Historian may make the Baronial archive available when local events provide the opportunity to showcase the Barony’s history.
  3. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Responsibilities of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEIB) Officer

The Baronial (SCA) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Office will advance research and educational mission and commitment to our core values and policies by working collaboratively with the people of Rising Waters and Baronial Officers to promote a climate that values diversity, equity, and inclusion, and is free of bias and harassment.

The office will develop activities and training to cultivate a climate in which all members are treated fairly and are able to thrive in a welcoming atmosphere. This work is compliant with non-discrimination laws, AODA laws, the SCA mission statement, and our governing documents, especially SCA policies on harassment, bullying, and hate speech.

The goals of this office are to:

  • Build the framework of inclusive excellence (IE), which is the recognition that the success of the SCA is dependent on how well it values, engages, and includes a rich diversity in membership. It is an approach that requires awareness, education, and commitment that results in the transformation of the organization.
  • Increase the possibility of becoming a more diverse organization that welcomes and values the different strengths members offer and ensure all members have access to the same opportunities for success in the SCA.
  • Educate SCA kingdom officers and help them create a climate of equity for all members to contribute despite the presence of differences.
  • Regularly attend baronial meetings to support decision-making that is cognizant of challenges to diversity, inclusion and equity. 

This role reflects the recent creation of a DEIB Office at Society level and plans for DEIB support at Kingdom level. This role will be a deputy to the Seneschal to ensure the officer is under the SCA’s insurance policies but will make no reports. They will operate outside that chain of command and act as an ombudsman to those in the Rising Waters Community who seek advocacy.  Early projects may include developing crisis management protocols in collaboration with Baronial, Kingdom and Society partners. They will be accountable to the people of Rising Waters, who can remove the individual holding the office in case of misconduct.

Responsibilities of the Accessibility Officer

The Barony of Rising Waters will not discriminate against any member or participant on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, age or disability. The Barony will at all times attempt to provide reasonable accommodations, while preserving the fundamental nature of the SCA event.

  1. Work with seneschal and event staff to address accessibility questions about event sites, meetings, and events. Provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities to enable all participants to fully enjoy the events whenever it is possible to do so. 
  2. Attend monthly Baronial meetings, and provide reports. If they are unable to attend, they must arrange to submit their report to the Baronial Seneschal before the scheduled meeting.

Minister of Children

The SCA is a family and youth friendly social organization. The Minister of Children must have successfully passed an SCA approved background check, and warranted by the Kingdom Chancellor of Youth and Youth Programs.

  1. Assist parents in integrating children’s and youth activities into events.
  2. Work with event stewards to develop and coordinate event programming to encourage youth participation.
  3. Develop youth-oriented activities to foster recreational-focused learning about history and the SCA.