The Barony of
Ben Dunfirth
Who We Are
The Barony of Ben Dunfirth is the branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) serving the Hamilton, Brantford, and Burlington area of Ontario, Canada in the Kingdom of Ealdormere.
The SCA is an inclusive community pursuing research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat and culture. The lives of participants are enriched as we gain knowledge of history through activities, demonstrations, and events.
We welcome all people interested in historical re-enactment, trying new crafts and activities, learning about the past, or becoming involved in a family-friendly hobby that has something to offer for all ages.
An informal workshop that will focus on the art of calligraphy and illumination. Other A&S activities are welcome! Click here for more information.
A workshop for anyone to join, get assistance, or socialize and work on their Arts & Science projects together. All are welcome to attend.
Ben Dunfirth News
Baronial Newsletter | The Clarion – Autumn 2022
In late September, Their Royal Majesties, Queen Kaylah V and her Consort Trumbrand V, Prince of Grace and Twice the Patience, were joyously Coronated in far-away Merlin, Ontario. We are very proud to have Their Royal Majesties hail from our own Barony yet again! This marks the second time that Queen Kaylah has taken the throne by right of arms, and is the first female [...]
Sept. 2nd – Labour Day Polling Meeting & Fight Practice
A Polling Meeting and Fight Practice will be held on Labour Day Monday, September 5th at The Hamilton Aviary (85 Oak Knoll Dr, Hamilton, ON L8S 4C2) at 5:00 PM instead of the usual 7:00 PM start time.If you are unable to attend the Sept. 5th Polling Meeting, there will be a second Polling Meeting on September 12th at the Dundas Lions Memorial Community Centre [...]
Aug. 22nd – Baronial Candidate Meeting
A Candidate Meeting will be held on Monday, August 22nd where the candidates will make themselves available to meet with members of the Barony to explain how they intend to serve the Barony and answer questions from the membership, unless exceptional circumstances arise, as dictated by the Crown.Members of the Barony who would like to participate in the Baronial Selection Procedure are recommended to attend [...]