The Barony of
Ben Dunfirth
Who We Are
The Barony of Ben Dunfirth is the branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) serving the Hamilton, Brantford, and Burlington area of Ontario, Canada in the Kingdom of Ealdormere.
The SCA is an inclusive community pursuing research and re-creation of pre-seventeenth century skills, arts, combat and culture. The lives of participants are enriched as we gain knowledge of history through activities, demonstrations, and events.
We welcome all people interested in historical re-enactment, trying new crafts and activities, learning about the past, or becoming involved in a family-friendly hobby that has something to offer for all ages.
Upcoming Meetings & Fight Practices
For all Baronial and Kingdom events, please visit the EVENT CALENDAR page.
Ben Dunfirth News
Baronial Selection Procedure
Please see here for a PDF copy of the below text: Baronial Selection Procedure - The Barony of Ben DunfirthDecember 31, 2014(updated to meet Kingdom Law definitions June 11, 2022)In the event that a single or pair of Baronial Nobles need to be selected in the Barony of Ben Dunfirth, the populace of the Barony will be polled, and the Crown will invest a fitting [...]
Baronial Newsletter | The Clarion – Spring 2022
Please enjoy this Spring edition of the first Ben Dunfirth Clarion of 2022! As of this writing, Spring has been teasing us with warm, sunny days, yet annoyingly plagued by the occasional freak snowstorm, as is right and proper for Ben Dunfirth’s geographical boundaries. Despite our hermetic ways being somewhat enhanced for this second year in a row, we are hopeful to see the [...]
*Update* No Fight Practice on Easter Monday
There will be NO practice or meetings on April 18th (Easter Monday) as the hall will be closed. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!