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With Gratitude from TRM

Greetings to the Populace of Ealdormere;

You, the people of Ealdormere are strong.  When faced with adversity, the people of this kingdom have pulled together to maintain a sense of connectedness and community. 

Never before has it been so clear that while a passion for the Middle Ages has brought us all together, it is the friendships that we forge that forms the heart of this wonderful kingdom of Ealdormere.  We are a community, a family, a social support group. We are a Kingdom.

The world is much changed in these last few weeks.  Scadians who thrive on getting up early on a Saturday morning to drive hundreds of kilometers to an event are finding themselves with lots of time to finally work on those arts and sciences projects.  We imagine that the next Kingdom A&S competition will have many entries! Thank you Arts & Sciences Minister Xristinia for agreeing to extend your term office, and THL Emelote for standing ready to step in.

Ealdormere is blessed with an abundance of hardworking and dedicated citizens, without whom this kingdom could not function.  Working with the members of the Privy Council has been a pleasure and We thank them. These calm, cooperative and responsible Greater Officers are the behind the scenes heroes ensuring that Ealdormere continues to meet all Society requirements so that we can one day play again in medieval fun.  

Special thanks to Kingdom Seneschal Lars who has had to deal with more situations in his first six months as Kingdom Seneschal than many would in their entire term of office.  Thank you, Lars, for keeping an unfailingly positive attitude throughout many challenges. We will gift you a big bottle of headache remedy when next we meet.  

We also send special thanks to Kingdom Exchequer Jane.  THL Jane has wrestled with the finances under extraordinary circumstances.  Back in the sunny old days, when travel was possible, she even completed budget items during her vacations abroad!  Math is hard, and Jane, when next we meet we’ll grow you some more fingers for counting.

As Our reign draws to an end this month, We thank all those who helped to make it successful and enjoyable.  A reign isn’t possible without a clear-headed and organized Chamberlain. Duchess Jocea once again took up the challenge and beat it into submission as only the Dread Duchess can.  Thank you, my friend and sister, for stepping into the breach for the fourth time.

Thank you to all those who volunteered to attend Us as Entourage. Your service has not gone unnoticed.  Our fabulous Head of Entourage, Mistress Christiana, has kept a list of all who enlisted to serve Us. Thank you, Christiana for taking good care of Us yet again.  

Since We have the luxury of space in this electronic format, thank you to the following wonderful gentles who took time out of their regular event activities to attend us: Mistress Christiana, Duchess Jocea, Duke Roak, Countess Arlette, Kniaginia Xristina, Countess (and favourite daughter) Lidr, Countess Hyrrokin, Viscountess Judith of Kirtland, Master Brand, Mistress Kersteken, Mistress Catriona, Master Percival, Mistress Roslynne, Mistress Lucia, THL Brennait, Baroness Sabina, Baron Sven, Baroness Augusta, Baroness Sciath, Baroness Pesha, THL Daniel of Whitby ,THL Gajin, THL Laura Batista, THL Cesare, Lord Iustace, Lady Margarete de May, Lady Christiana, Lord Tristan Galbraeth, Lady Dwynwen, Lady Dorothea of Holm, Lady Aileen, Lord Henricus, Lady Mjoll, Lady Issa, Lady Sechin (Autumn).  Special thanks to Axe Maidens Viscountess Aelflaeda, Lady Mjoll who held The Axe for the King during court. Welcome to newcomers Niawood, Katrina, Blake, April and Niemah, who attended Our Royal persons at your very first events.

We thank Our Rozakii family for your steadfast love and support, both throughout the reign and during our fourteen day self-isolation.  Family means never feeling alone. Family also means groceries and drinkables showing up on Our front porch.

Thank you to Our Queen’s Champion, Sir Richard Larmer.  You stood through some epically long courts with the kingdom sword held high.  We know you love a good workout, but isometrics are especially challenging. Thank you for keeping good spirits throughout.  A heartfelt thank you to Our King’s Champion, Sir Elizabeth Mortimer. You are an inspiration. A King flanked by two strong female fighters is well protected indeed. Much love and thanks to Our Rapier Champion, Mistress Kersteken, who did double duty as seamstress and sounding board.

Thank you to Lady Ersebet, who donated boxes to Our reign.  Win a tourney: Get a box!  

Master Brand, your heralding skills and ceremony writing were Very Helpful. Thank you for supporting Us through another reign.

Lest We take this hobby too seriously, We were once again blessed with a Royal Toymaker, The Honourable Baron Gerrard Carpentarius.  The children of the kingdom embraced the concept of completing make & take projects and other tasks. For this, the children earned toy rewards.  Some of those toys are inscrutable to Us, but the children are fiendishly clever and assure Us that they happily solved all the puzzles.

We thank The Honourable Baron Justinian Clarus for filling Our reign with joyful song and printing out song sheets so that all may raise their voices merrily together. When Ealdormere sings together, the Kingdom stands strong.

People of Ealdormere, soon the kingdom will be in the good hands of Our Heirs, Prince Rattanicus and Princess Isabel.  It was a pleasure serving with You in the Royal Family, and We thank You for being level-headed and creatively proactive in the face of these unprecedented times.  

Like the trillium flower waiting under the frozen isolation of winter, We wait patiently.  Spring will come. We know the Kingdom will persevere through the challenges ahead because we are the strong people of the northlands. We have hope and faith that someday soon, we will again meet with you, our friends. 

Kaylah, Queen by Right of Arms

Trumbrand, King of Grace and Patience