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Herein is a record of worthy deeds of the people and friends of Ealdormere. Such worthy deeds may include, but not be restricted to, the receipt of any Kingdom awards. The names of those accomplishing such worthy deeds shall be entered fittingly on the Scroll of Honour at the discretion of the Crown.

The Scroll of Honour is maintained by:
Privy Seal
Baroness Christiana Macnamara 
(Carol Crawley)

The Scroll of Honour (Physical Book) is brought to Crown Tournament and Coronation. If you would like to arrange a viewing, please contact the Privy Seal. 

Below are digital versions of each completed page.

Scroll of Honour artwork is completed by individual artists in the Kingdom of Ealdormere. hosts images of the scrolls but the images are not to be used elsewhere without express permission of the artist.