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Call for Applications for Lawspeaker

Magistra Nicolaa has indicated that her time as Lawspeaker is nearing its end. If you think this is something you’d like to do, or find out more about what being Lawspeaker entails, feel free to reach out to Nicolaa at

Lawspeaker Selection Process and Timeline:
1. The Lawspeaker selection process will be published for two cycles of the Tidings, and the deadline for nominations is 31 December 2020.
2. To be nominated to be Lawspeaker must be nominated by 12 armigerous subjects of Ealdormere. Those nominated must be confirmed as per Kingdom Law.
3. Please forward nominations to the attention of the Kingdom Seneschal. Please send nominations electronically to  Any nominations received after 11:59PM on 31 December 2021 will not be taken in consideration.
4. Confirmed nominees names will appear in the February Tidings.
5. Should there be more than one nominee, there will be a vote by the Seneschals of the Kingdom. The list of names shall be brought forward by the local Seneschals to discuss amongst the membership and the Seneschal will vote on behalf of their membership. They will act as a representative of their group.
6. Should there be only one nominee, there shall be a vote of confidence. The name shall be brought forward by the local Seneschals to discuss amongst the membership and the Seneschal will vote on behalf of their membership which shall reflect the confidence of their branch in the nominee. The nominee must receive no less than a 50% vote of confidence. If a 50% vote of confidence is not met, the process will begin again.
7. Voting by the Seneschals will open on 1 February 2021 and close at 11:59PM on 25 March 2021
8. Results will be discussed with the Royal Family and then shared with the Candidate. The outgoing Lawspeaker will then publicize the successful candidate to the populace.
9. The Office is anticipated to change over in April 2021.
Please consider the importance of this position within the Kingdom. All nominees must be ready for the burden of the office.

ARTICLE IX – Lawspeaker of Ealdormere

IX-100              The Lawspeaker shall be an experienced member of the Society who commands the respect of the subjects of Ealdormere. This person shall possess the capacity to mediate, arbitrate and provide counsel. The Lawspeaker will act as a mediator and ombudsman and as a councilor to the Crown. The Lawspeaker will stand as a deputy to the Kingdom Seneschal and will be appointed, and removed from office, as detailed in these Laws.
IX-101               Due to the nature of the work required of the Lawspeaker, the position of Lawspeaker will be a warranted deputy of the Kingdom Seneschal, for the purposes of Legal and Insurance coverage. This warrant is to be enacted by the Crown, and Kingdom Seneschal when the Lawspeaker takes office, to be renewed for the entire term of office of the Lawspeaker. The only process by which this warrant can be revoked is outlined in section IX-600. It is hereby noted that while the Lawspeaker is a warranted deputy of the Kingdom  Seneschal, the Lawspeaker is not a Seneschal and does not report to the Kingdom Seneschal, nor does the Kingdom Seneschal have any influence on the Office of Lawspeaker. The Lawspeaker stands outside the formal reporting structure of the Kingdom, the better to act as a mediator, ombudsman and councilor to the Crown and people of Ealdormere.
IX-200              No Sovereign, Consort, Heir to the Crown, Territorial Baron or Baroness, Kingdom Officer or member of the Seneschalate may be nominated for the position of Lawspeaker.
IX-300              The Lawspeaker will be selected in the following manner:
IX-301               Nominations for the position will be solicited in the Kingdom newsletter and submitted in writing to the Seneschal.
IX-302               Those people who receive nominations from 12 armigerous subjects of Ealdormere and are confirmed by either the outgoing Lawspeaker, the Sovereign, the Consort, the Crown Princess, or the Crown Prince will be approached privately by the Seneschal and asked if they accept the nomination. Upon acceptance of the nomination, that person shall be declared a candidate for the position.
IX-303               If there is only one nominee, the Kingdom Seneschal shall call for a vote of confidence. All warranted branch Seneschals of Ealdormere shall be allowed one vote that shall reflect the confidence of their branch in the nominee. The nominee must receive no less than a 50% vote of confidence. If a 50% vote of confidence is not met, the process will begin again.
IX-304               In the event there are two or more candidates, the Kingdom Seneschal shall call an election and the names of the candidates shall be made public.
(i)         The Kingdom Seneschal shall oversee and conduct the election.
(ii)          All warranted branch Seneschals of Ealdormere shall be allowed one vote that shall reflect the wishes of their branch.
(iii)        The candidate receiving the most votes shall be declared Lawspeaker.
IX-400              The term of office for the Lawspeaker
shall be three years. The outgoing Lawspeaker may be considered an eligible candidate assuming he or she receives the required nominations and is confirmed by the Sovereign, Consort, Crown Prince, or Crown Princess.

IX-500              In the event the Lawspeaker is unable to fulfill his/her duties; he/she shall appoint an interim replacement subject to ratification by the Crown. The Crown may choose to allow the interim replacement to act for a stated period of time. At the end of this period, the Lawspeaker may resume their duties. The period of absence shall be included as part of the Lawspeaker’s term in office. Or the Crown may choose to ask the Kingdom Seneschal to proceed with the selection process upon ratification of the interim replacement. The selection procedure as outlined in IX-300 shall be initiated immediately. 
IX-600              In the event that the people of Ealdormere are dissatisfied with the performance of the Lawspeaker, a removal process may be initiated. A petition signed by 30% of the warranted branch seneschals of Ealdormere will be cause for the Kingdom Seneschal to call for a vote of confidence in the Lawspeaker. All warranted branch seneschals of Ealdormere will participate in this vote. The Kingdom Seneschal will initiate the selection procedure to select a new Lawspeaker only if directed to do so by a majority vote of the seneschals.
IX-700              Due to the nature of the position and the selection process, the Lawspeaker may not fight or be fought for in Crown Tournament.
IX-800              Duties of the Lawspeaker
IX-801               The Moot – In consultation with the Crown, the Lawspeaker shall ensure that a Moot is called at least once per reign.
(i)         The Lawspeaker shall ensure that the time and location of the Moot are published in advance in the Kingdom newsletter.
(ii)         The Lawspeaker shall ensure that one section of Kingdom Law is read at the beginning of each Moot so that the people may be familiar with their Laws.
(iii)         The Lawspeaker shall chair the Moot and ensure that records are maintained and published.
IX-802               The Lawspeaker shall investigate concerns brought before him/her and mediate disputes as required. In the event of a conflict of interest, the Lawspeaker may appoint a mutually acceptable mediator in his/her stead.
IX-803               The Lawspeaker shall administer and chair Courts of Inquiry following the guidelines detailed in the Kingdom Operating Policy, Section Four – Courts of Justice.