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Greetings good gentles, As we sit in repose this morning, with the Lady Mary Memorial Tournament ending once more, my mind turns to thoughts of gratitude. I think that we demonstrated the pride and joy of Rising Waters for Their Majesties visit to Our fair Barony. The Noble Corcrán...

Lady Mary Tourney I have so much to say and so many people to thank!  First the Weather, it was spectacular!  Just the right temperature and sunny.  It was been so mixed lately, I was expecting snow, it did not happen, and right on cue the magnolia trees in...

Lady Mary Memorial Tournament III: Archery Tournament

So, I’ve told you about the Prestige Armoured Combat Tournament, and the Fencing Tournament – it’s time now, for the Lady Mary Memorial Archery Tournament. This tournament was established in 1992 (Anno Societatis XXVIII), and has grown in size each year. Competitors, and their inspirations, participate in the processional...

Lady Mary Memorial Tournament II: Fencing Tournament

This tournament was established in A.S. XXXI (mundanely, in May 1996). Like challengers in the armour combat tournament, fencers participate in the formal procession of all combatants with their consorts. Voice heralds are available to boast in each competitor, and combatants publicly declare whom they are fighting for and...

As promised, I’ve come with more history of the Lady Mary Memorial Tournament. The Lady Mary Memorial Tournament is named after Lady Mary Campbell of Inverary, a Lady who was active in the early SCA Barony of Rising Waters. She passed away on October 25th, 1987 and the Barony’s...

Lady Mary Memorial Tournament I: Armoured Combat

Hi everyone, we recognize that it’s been a minute since we’ve been able to host the Lady Mary Memorial Tournament. There are some new folks in our community, and we look forward to witnessing the great labours of chivalry and feats that will be inscribed on the champions’ trophies....