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From the Kingdom Seneschal

Alas, I have missed the deadline of the Tidings this month.  The date simply got lost in amongst the 4th quarter reports, which I am pleased to write were all submitted within a day or two of the deadline.  

Thank you for your timely reporting.

I was fantastic to see many of you at Wassail and have a chance to chat in person about the activities within the Kingdom.  You are truly the representatives of this noble Society and I commend you for your attention to detail, and providing such stability for your groups.  I say fond farewells to those stepping 
down from office, and grand Welcomes to those joining the ranks of the Seneschalate.

I hope all of you were as inspired as I was by the Queen’s Prize Tourney.  As we are in the midst of the season of darkness, I hope you gather round and spend the hours creating; creating time with loved ones, completion with projects, and companionship with good friends.

I remind each and every one to travel safely over this winter season.  Be mindful of the weather and your activities.  Plan accordingly, remember this is a fun activity, and as such it is not worth loss of limb and life in effort to attend.

The Open Privy Council Meeting will occur at Winter War.

I wish you all the best this festive season, no matter what you choose to celebrate, may you find yourselves surrounded by loved ones to keep you warm and in the light.
