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Seeking New Minister of Arts and Sciences

Greetings to the citizens of the wonderful kingdom of Ealdormere,

Due to unforeseen personal life reasons I have decided that I need to step down from my role as Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences. It was not an easy decision or one I take lightly, but it is what I feel is best for my family and for Ealdormere at this time. I have chosen to do so now so that there is time for my drop dead deputy to properly plan the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Faire. Mistress Aibhilin fra Skye has already generously taken up the mantle and will be continuing until the changeover is complete. The goal is to choose a new minister for the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Faire (March 24, 2018) so that the new minister can help with the day and step up at court that evening.

As such, I am now officially advertising for my successor as Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences. Applications should be sent to and should include:

1) Reason(s) why you would like to apply for the position
2) SCA resume including previous positions held and areas of involvement, and any valid mundane experience
3) What you would like to do in the position to further the development and growth of arts and sciences in Ealdormere
The role is expected to be a two year commitment, starting at the end of the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Faire in 2018 and stepping down at the end of the Faire two years later. Due to the short timelines, the deadline for applications is February 15. If you have any questions, please forward them to

Thank you for your support during my time in office.

Yours in Service,
Merewen de Sweynesheie
Outgoing Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences