Fundraising is a vital part of our game.
Many of our Kingdom initiatives run solely on donations and fundraising efforts from both branches and individual people.
Examples include Pennsic Commissariat, Scribal Outreach, and the Newcomer Cup Fund.
We are eternally grateful for the efforts of our people towards the projects we hold dear.
Fundraising is equally important at the local level for keeping our Game alive.
When doing Fundraising, there are a couple of restrictions to keep in mind.
SCA Financial Policy prohibits the use of Raffles and Online Auctions (, Section XIV – Prohibited Activities).
These prohibited activities apply equally to groups and individuals raising funds for SCA purposes. An individual could not then hold an online auction privately if the proceeds are ultimately meant to go towards an SCA group or effort.
For those wishing to Fundraise on behalf of Kingdom or their local branch, and want suggestions on allowable activities, feel free to brainstorm with your local exchequer for ideas or contact me directly at
Note for Exchequers: the current report file does make direct reference to raffles as a fundraising activity. The published Society Financial Policy takes precedence over this reference. Society has been notified about the legacy reference.
April Rumboldt (aka Jane Caldwell), Kingdom Exchequer