Exchequer Dame Arlette of the Rozakii (Rebecca Woodsworth) ealdormere.exchequer@gmail.com 18 Sunnyridge Road Jerseyville, ON L0R 1R0 905-648-9743 |
Exchequers Deputies
- Drop Dead Deputy Exchequer, Dame Petra of the Rozakii
ealdormere.deputy.exchequer@gmail.com - NMR Deputy, , Lady Lydia d’Enzinas,
Responsible for the Non-Member Registration collection. Send a scan of your Non-Member Registration form to the NMR Deputy within two weeks of your event. You must also mail or hand deliver a hard copy of the form with appropriate signatures and a cheque to the Kingdom Exchequer within two weeks of your event. - Minister of Regalia, Duchess Adrielle Kerrec (Gabrielle Underwood)
geunderwood@xplornet.com - Quartermaster General, Cynred Broccan