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William Blackfox Nominees Announced


I am pleased to announce the Ealdormerean nominees for this year’s William Blackfox Awards. As the SCA website states:

Master William Blackfox was the author and illustrator of the cartoon Warthaven. He gave generously of his time and talents, and was very supportive of the Kingdom Chroniclers until his untimely death.
To honor his memory, the Office of the Society Chronicler sponsors the annual Master William Blackfox Awards to recognize excellence in the work of Chroniclers and newsletter contributors. Newsletters provide a valuable resource and communication tool for SCA members around the world!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank ALL the kingdom’s chroniclers for their hard work and effort at preserving our history.

This year, the official nominees for Ealdormere are:

Best Article, Ursus, May 2014 (Barony of Septentria), Chronicler: Lyda Langsrackrdottir, Author: Pelayo Marchmount, Title: A Game of Words: Skaldic Poetry (Drottkvaet)
Best Article in a Kingdom Newsletter, The Tidings, Februart 2015 (Kingdom of Ealdormere), Chronicler: Colyne Stewart, Author: Hector of the Black Height, Title: Childish Writing Isn’t Easy
Best Artwork, The Clarion, March 30, 2015 (Barony of Ben Dunfirth), Chronicler: Augusta Wayfarer, Artist: Prudence Underwit, Name of Piece: Map of Ben Dunfirth
Best Kingdom Cover Art, The Tidings, May 2014 (Kingdom of Ealdormere), Chronicler: Nicolaa de Bracton, Artist: Augusta Gamarelli
Best Layout and Design, Skraeling Althing Chronicle (Barony of Skraeling Althing), Chronicler: Lucia de Enziana
Best Overall Newsletter, Skraeling Althing Chronicle (Barony of Skraeling Althing), Chronicler: Lucia de Enziana
Best Poetry or Short Fiction, Ursus, Summer, August 2014 (Barony of Septentria), Chronicler: Lydr Langackrdottir, Title: For Three Birthdays and an Anniversary, Author: Hector of the Black Height
Best Special Issue, Ramshaven Herald, Summer 2014 (Barony of Ramshaven), Chronicler: Adnar Dionadar
– Colyne Stewart, Kingdom Chronicler