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From the Kingdom Seneschal

Greetings to the good people of Ealdormere,

I have decided that the Office of the Seneschal requires a number of new deputy positions and I am looking for enthusiastic volunteers to take on these new roles. Please send me an email outlining your interest in one or more of these positions and what skills you have that will enhance your ability do the job. I would also ask that you include your mundane and SCA resumes. I will be accepting applications for these positions until September 15, 2015.

The position of the “Law Clerk” will be responsible for understanding and organizing the laws and policies of the Kingdom. This position will review the SCA Governing Documents, the Laws of the Kingdom of Ealdormere, the Policies of the Kingdom of Ealdormere and the various different handbooks and will identify where and when these laws and policies requires adjustments to ensure consistency and accuracy. As the Kingdom Seneschal I will be working very closely with this individual to ensure that any changes made comply with our laws and policies.

The position of the “Steward’s Secretary” will be responsible for completely revamping the Autocrats Handbook. This position requires someone who is very familiar with creating a kingdom event bid, understand the financial aspects pre and post events and be able to create the new handbook using a simple design software. I will be working very closely with this individual to ensure that the standards and requirements for Kingdom Event Bids and Event Reports are communicated effectively through this tool.

I am also seeking someone for the position of Coordinator of our Kingdom display at the SCA 50th Anniversary Event. This person will work directly with Archivist for the event, alongside the Chair of Historic Displays in coordinating our display. There are a number of items they have asked us to include in the display but there is also an opportunity for creatively making this very Ealdormerean! As with all such endeavours, I anticipate that many in Ealdormere will welcome the opportunity to contribute their considerable talents to helping to make our display “Sing!”. Anyone who is interested in becoming the Coordinator should send me an email bySeptember 15, 2015.

In addition to these new positions, the position of Kingdom Chatelaine is open for applications. Lord Wulfgang wrote of this opportunity in his August Tidings letter, but I reiterate that I will be taking applications for this position until September 15, 2015. Please send me an email outlining your interest in this position and your SCA resume.

In service I remain,
