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Applications for Earl Marshal

Greetings to Ealdormere!

Congratulations are in order to Sir Gannicus who was victorious upon the list field at Crown Tournament, inspired by Mistress Maiwen, and they both have ascended to the heir’s thrones as of yesterday.  However, that means His Highness cannot continue to serve as Earl Marshal, and it falls to his Drop Dead deputy … myself.

I would like to immediately open applications for any fully warranted marshal in the kingdom to apply for this office — the deadline will be February 1st.  Please send a copy of all applications to both myself and Mistress Lucia, the kingdom seneschal.  Please enclose in your application your membership number, membership expiry date, your marshalling experience, and any compelling reasons you feel like including that will help the Privy Council want to pick you.

What does this job entail?  It’s a two year commitment, and the position of Earl Marshal is responsible for the good conduct and safety of all martial activities in the kingdom.  The Earl Marshal is only directly responsible for one of those disciplines (armoured combat, rapier, archery, throne weapons, equestrian, combat archery, and/or siege), and has deputies to serve in the others.  They are also supported by the Minister of the Lists.  They are responsible to ensure Crown Tourney is overseen by an armoured combat marshal (if not themselves), that authorizations are kept up to date (through the Minister of the Lists), that other local marshals and marshals-at-large in the kingdom are supported (and they are reporting as they should), and that everyone who wants to can play safely in whatever martial activity they are doing.  As a Greater Officer, they also participate in the business of Privy Council, approving kingdom event bids, discussing law or rule changes, and supporting the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal in the governance of the kingdom.  This position could require anywhere from 1-5 hours a week in commitment (emails, meetings, reports, and the like)

A reminder — ANY fully warranted marshal of ANY martial discipline can apply for this kingdom office.  I look forward to taking any applications to Privy Council to select a permanent Earl Marshal for the kingdom.

Cheerfully slaving for my feudal masters,

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