For the Exchequer of a new or Incipient group
No incipient or pre-incipient group may hold a bank account. Your funds must be held in trust by another SCA group. This other group would normally be your Barony if your group is a canton, but could be the kingdom or another group within the kingdom.
The group holding your funds will keep your funds in their account and will keep a separate accounting of your balance within their total. You will fill out “event report”” forms and the holding group will include them with their quarterly reports. At the time that your group first deposits funds, you should tell the holding group what to do with the funds should your incipient group vanish. Suggested destinations for donations include Kingdom General fund, A&S fund, Children’s Fund, Chiurgeon’s Fund, Regalia Fund, Scribe’s Fund, a neighbouring group, etc.
Your doomsday will consist of the one page negative report form for the Kingdom Exchequer, and your quarterlies will consist of a short paragraph or postcard confirming your group does not have a bank account, and a list of any financial activities you have had in that quarter (ie, a list of any income deposited with your holding group and any expenses you have directed them to pay on your behalf).
When your group achieves full status, you may choose to immediately open a bank account or you may choose to keep your funds with the holding group a little while longer until you have sufficient financial activity to justify bank service fees.