Contained herein are the collected artworks of Kingdom, Baronial, Canton and Shire heraldry.
If your Canton or Barony is missing from this list it is because we don’t have the files! Please submit them to the Kingdom Webminister!
Artwork by THL Dietrich von Sachsen, Lady Ruadh, Sir Edouard Beausoleil, THL Eirik Anderson and Lord Thorolfr inn smithr.
Kingdom of Ealdormere Graphics
The Kingdom of Ealdormere Device
Ealdormere Ensign
Populace badge
Populace badge
Award of the Maiden’s Heart (service)
Award of the Scarlet Banner (Martial Prowress)
Award of the Orion (Arts and Sciences)
Grant Level Orders
Order of the Wain (Service)
Order of Thorbjorn’s Hammer (Martial Prowress)
Order of the Crucible (Arts and Sciences)
Youth Awards
Award of the Wolf’s Cub
Baronial Graphics
Barony of Septentria
Barony of Skraeling Althing
Barony of Rising Waters
Barony of Ramshaven
Barony of Ben Dunfirth
Canton and Shire Graphics
Canton of Ard Creag
Shire of Bastille du Lac
Canton of Bynniau Twynnog
Canton of Caldrithig
Royal Citie of Eoforwic
Stronghold of Greyfells
Canton of Petrea Thule
Canton of Skeldergate